Cozy Glow Gloves

Fingered gloves made of fleece scraps are a REAL challenge if you try to sew them with a sewing mashine! After I realized this and after some deep sighs and the resolution to -fgs- handsew them ... all was well.
Even if you handsew the gloves, you will still be a lot faster than knitting them.
Even if you handsew the gloves, you will still be a lot faster than knitting them.
This Is What You Need:

- scraps of fleece fabric
- thread
- needle
- scissors
- paper for pattern
- thread
- needle
- scissors
- paper for pattern

Create your personal pattern by surrounding your hand with a pencil. Clean the sketch and make a pattern out of it. You need to cut two left hand fabric pieces and two right hand ones. Just turn your pattern. Measure the length of the strip you need to put between the front and back parts of the glove. In my case this was 110 cm (about 44 inches). Cut two strips 2,5 cm (1inch) wide.
Sewing Challenge

Attach one part of the glove to the strip and tighten with clips.
If you want you can sew the seam with your sewing mashine. I tried and it was really really hard. The fleece fabric transports really badly, so I pulled the fabric to get a seam. I actually managed to finish one seam but decided to sew the rest by hand.
If you want you can sew the seam with your sewing mashine. I tried and it was really really hard. The fleece fabric transports really badly, so I pulled the fabric to get a seam. I actually managed to finish one seam but decided to sew the rest by hand.
Reflective Safety Piping

Riding a bike in the dark in winter is hazardous. Having a glove with reflective piping will increase your safety immensely. I only remembered I had some piping after I had already finished the first one, therefore only one of the gloves has it now.
You on the other hand can think about it beforehand and then have TWO glow-in-the-dark gloves!
Make and stay safe!
You on the other hand can think about it beforehand and then have TWO glow-in-the-dark gloves!
Make and stay safe!
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