Grandfather Clock

I made a small working grandfather clock from the use of the 3D printer
The tools that I used for this project are-
-3Ds printer
-hot glue.
The Sketch

As you can tell, I did have to change my design for the grandfather clock. Due to it being way to tall. I hade to separate them in parts so the 3D printer can print them. Each part have there own measurement and there own details. And for the bass of the clock, need to be big enough to support the top part of the clock.
Top of the Clock

Part 1:Top of clock
The first thing I started on the clock, was to put a single line down the XY Plane. The reason why i put line down the XY Plane was do I can use the mirror tool, to make it faster and easier to complete the project faster.
Then I started to make the out line of the clock, as you can see in the step 1 photo. The ones I got one side done, it mirror the whole thing and extrude it by 2.5in.After I finish the extrude, I did a in grave by extruding back in its self , as you can see in part 1.3, so it will give it more details and I can start to do the details for the clock.
Then I started the sad ghost face of the clock. I also used the mirror method to save time. Ones I got the face done, I extruded in side itself by 0.125in, giving that sad ghost face.
Next I started on more details by giving it a kind of old deigned, that are seen on older grandfather clock. with the little swoops that are seen on wooden furniture. And for the Ghost face, I also used the mirror tool to save time on the details Ones I did that I extruded inside itself by, 0.0625.
I waned to give the clock to have a little ore details. So I wanted giving it a little twice to it by extruding part of the clock to give it a better look , so I did sketch and went over it one time and extruded it out by 0.125. Giving it more details and giving it a better look to it, shown in part1.8 and part 1.9
And the last part of the clock was to put a hole on the bottom of the clock so the other parts of the clock will fit perfectly. I made the hole 0.5in, and made sure that it was in the middle of the clock bottom by using Dimension tool by 1.075.
Below of the Top of the Clock:
Body of the Clock

Part 2: Body of the clock
I started the body of the clock on the XY Plane, with a simple rectangle with measurements of 3.250in and 4.500in. The extruded by 2.15 in. Then on the back of the rectangle I took a chunk out by. I made the squares 3x3, and made sure that it will line up correctly. So I separated/ put a gap of 0.125in from the original 3D rectangle.. Then i extruded/ cut it by, 0.025.
Next I started to make the hole where the clock arms are going to come out from. I made the hole .550in and made the dimension 2.0in and 1.590in, so I can have the hole in the middle of the clock body. And extruded it/ cut it by 4.525, so know that it went all the way through the clock.
For the pillar part of the clock, I started with a rectangle base that the width is 0.275in and length is 4.500in. Then extruded it out by 0.275in. After the extrusions, I put fillet the two extruded rectangle by 0.125.
Next I made the holes for the parts to connect to each other, made sure that the where in the middle of the clock. and the circle are the same size as 0.500 in on the bottom and top of the clock body. On the top of clock I extruded it by 0.500. And for the bottom of the clock body I made it a hole and extruded it by 8mm inside of the clock body.
Last but not least, I used the Fillet tool too smooth out the edges to give it a finish look to it
Bottom of the Clock
Due to my bottom of the clock being deleted I'm just going to summarize it.
First I made a rectangle sketch and extruded it. Then I used the Chamfer tool all around the rectangle for the top and bottom. And added details on each side of the clack base.
Clock Bird

For the bird clock, I sketch out the shape of the bird first using the Spline tool and shaped it how i wanted it. Then Extruded it by 0.8in.
Next i used the fillet tool on both side of the bird by 0.375in
Next i Used the plane tool and put the plane on the XY plane, in the middle of the bird and made the beak for the bird. I put a line in the middle of the bird face and used the revolve tool to give a beak look. And on the same plane I made the wings. I also sketch out the shape and extruded it by 0.1875in then used the fillet also by 0.1875in.
Next i used the plane tool on the XZ plane and have it go up the bird about 0.125in, so i can start the feather/ tail of the bird. Then i used the spline tool to sketch out the bird tail, then extruded it the tail by 0.125in.
Then i glued the bird on top of the clock and i have finish