Gravity LED Matrix

Genuino 101 is a development board made by intel.It has the same peripheral list as the UNO.A special model in this board is a 6-axis accelerometer/gyro.In this project ,I used the 3-axis accelerometer to determine the orientation of the board.Then controlled the 8*8 led matrix.
Tools and Materials

For this project,We need a Genuino 101 board,a 8*8 led matrix,jumper wire pin-5.

Connected the circuit as shown in the picture.This led matrix was
connected with a serial input/out-put common-cathode display driver(MAX7219).So I just used 3 pins to control led matrix.
VCC → 5V
DIN → 2
CS → 3
CLK → 4

There are two programming softwares for this project.One is arduino IDE,the other one is a graphical programming software named mixly.Both code files was attached.You can download the file you want.