Grow Pumpkins in Hammocks

Pumpkins are easy to grow but growing them is not without challenges. They need a lot of space for sprawling vines. The vines spread sporadically and can take over your garden if you don't watch over them. Rabbits and other rodents may damage pumpkins or they may start to rot laying on excessively moist soil.
Growing pumpkins along fences solves all of these problems and even provides some perks.
Using fences as trellises eliminates the space issue and makes it easier to control the vines. Because pumpkins are elevated from the ground, the wildlife won't be able to reach them and there is no need to worry about them laying on the wet soil.
In addition, if you have a see-through fence - the plants' large leaves will make it less so.
One possible challenge is that the vines may not be able to support the weight of the pumpkins if they grow too large and heavy.
This challenge is very easy to take care of by making hammocks for your pumpkins.
1. Mesh bags (in which vegetables and fruits are sold)
2. Any type of cord that can hold the weight of a pumpkin
3. Scissors
4. Optional: Thick wire

First, you need to estimate how long your cord that will secure the hammock on the fence needs to be. Once you determine the length of the cord, take one end of the cord and make an overhand loop. And then make another loop on the other side.

Untie all knots on the mesh bag. Put one end of the mesh bag through the loop in the cord that you made and tie a not on the bag.

You can repeat the step for the other side and the first hammock is ready. But you can make a hook of a thick wire. This will allow easily detach the hammock if, for example, you need to shorten or extend the cord.

When it's time, you can place your pumpkins in the hammocks and watch them grow without worrying about them breaking the vine.
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