Growing Succulents

Succulents are hardy plants which don't need much watering. Making then great little pot plants.
Here's how to grow some from an existing plant using a couple of beer cans as pot plants containers with excellent drainage.
Succulent plant
2 Empty beer cans
Pair of pantyhose
Potting mix or dirt
Remove the Top

Remove the top from an empty beer / beverage can.
You may be able to use a can opener to do this or for a better finish, file it off with a bastard file.
Remove the label if it will peel off or if the design is painted on, spray paint the outside of the can.
Make a Hoop

- With another can, remove the top with a can opener.
- Then remove top section of the can, once removed trim with some scissors so you are left with a hoop as shown in the photos.
Suspend the Plant for Excellent Drainage

- Cut the legs off a pair of pantyhose. Cut each leg into 3 equal sections.
- Thread one of these sections through a hoop and then fold back over the hoop and tie a knot at the base.
- Suspend this on top of the can.

- Fill the pocket made previously from the section of pantyhose with some potting mix or dirt.
- Break a leaf off an existing Succulent plant. One may fall off just by touching it.
- Stick this into a sandy potting mix.
- Add a little water.
- All going well, after a few weeks/months a small succulent plant will grow. After watering, allow the soil to become dry before watering again. They can survive without water for quite a while.
Give a good watering and then don't water again until the soil has completed dried out.