Gwenpool Katanas

Gweenpools pink and white wooden katanas from the marvel universe!
2 slim pieces of wood
1 inch wide Pvc Pipe
White Electrical Tape
Black Spray Paint (or acrylic)
Silver Spray Paint
Pink paint
X-acto Knife
Cut Wood and Pvc Pipe
Take pieces of wood and cut them to be 23 inches long and an inch and one quarter wide. Make the top slanted .
Then cut 2 pieces of pvc pipe to 6-7 inches in length.
Tape Bottom of Sword
Using eletrical tape wrap the bottom of the sword this will ensure there is no wiggle room when putting on the hilt.
Tape + Paint
Lightly sand your pvc pipe and make it rough so when painting it sticks.
Paint the pvc pipe pink and than wrap in white electrical tape going diaganollay , once you have done that then do it the other way to make it look criss crossy. Then using an exacto knife cut out the diamonds going down the side of the hilt.

Cut out 2 small pieces of cardboard with a slit in the middle to fit the sword and paint them black. This will be the gaurds.
Spray paint the wooden blades silver. Make sure to get all sides.
Put Everything Togther
Slide on the guards over the taped bottom. Than slide on the hilt and you have finished!