by Susan Cirigliano in Living > Halloween
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A fun and easy decoration for HaLlOwEeN
Lets Begin

The supplies are
(I have access to a kiln so my project is ceramic, however, this can be created using airdrop clay and acrylic or watercolor paint)
rolling pin, cookie cutters, paint brushes etc....
roll a slab of clay, cut piece 8"X15" to form cylinder.
place cylinder on a slightly larger rolled clay and turn up edge to create base. If firing in kiln be sure to poke a hole in the base to prevent air from getting trapped inside.
Roof Top

gently pinch across the top of the cylinder
roll a slab of clay to cut oval shape 6"X7", I pressed a pattern into my clay to look like old shingles.
next place the slab over the house and gently press along the fold.
Decorating the House

roll more clay slabs and use your cookie cutters to cut various shapes out to decorate the house...I used a skeleton and some bones to place around the base
gently score (put scratches in the clay) and rub with slip (dilute a little clay with water to create a buttery texture to apply over the scoring) before pressing onto the hose.
I cut bats and placed them on the roof.

I painted everything black and then wiped areas clean with a sponge...I left the bats on the roof black and wiped the spaces around them.
Finishing Touches

I glazed and fired my haunted house, If you use air dry clay you might want to fix it with a clear spray.