this rec ipe its geat for making paper mache proyects or just for using it as a unexpensive and docile glue
2 or 3 spoons of flour
and a little of ALUM stone about a tea spoon measure.
this little secret ingredient will keep the mixture useful for about a week and the proyects wont get moldy.
i have been searching the traslation of "piedra alumbre" on the internet and i got
Potassium Alum DSI (SO4) 2 • 12H2O.
Potassium alum has been a sought after natural mineral salt for thousands of years due to its abilities to effectively contribute to water purification, pickling, tanning, medical procedures and in cosmetics as an aftershave or deodorant
available at drougstores o pharmacies
2 or 3 spoons of flour
and a little of ALUM stone about a tea spoon measure.
this little secret ingredient will keep the mixture useful for about a week and the proyects wont get moldy.
i have been searching the traslation of "piedra alumbre" on the internet and i got
Potassium Alum DSI (SO4) 2 • 12H2O.
Potassium alum has been a sought after natural mineral salt for thousands of years due to its abilities to effectively contribute to water purification, pickling, tanning, medical procedures and in cosmetics as an aftershave or deodorant
available at drougstores o pharmacies
1.- Use a Tin Cup

add 2 or 3 spoons of flour in the tin can on a little amount of cold water and stir
2.- Add Hot Water

fill the tin can with hot water and stir
3.- Stir Over Low Heat

Stir the mix over the heat and add about a tea spoon measure of the alum stone.
keep stirring
keep stirring
4,. Thats All!

MIx until the formula its docile and traslucent
you can use it for the paper mache mixture, as a docile glue (for paper) or dye it and paint, it wil keep the translucent effect!