Halloween Brownies

You are about to learn how to make the best Halloween treat in the whole world(well maybe not the whole world but it's a close second). So get your apron out and start making a mess.
The ingredients that you will need are:
Brownie Mix
2 Eggs
1/4 a cup of olive oil
1/2 of water
White chocolate
Black icing
Brownie Mix
2 Eggs
1/4 a cup of olive oil
1/2 of water
White chocolate
Black icing

First you need to gather all of your ingredients and preheat that oven to 350 degrees. Your ingredients are brownie mix, 2 eggs, 1/4 a cup of olive oil, 1/2 of water, white chocolate, marshmallow, and black icing.

Next you will need to make the brownies. Put your eggs, brownie mix, water, olive oil, and white chocolate chips in a bowl. Mix it together. Then pour it into your pan. Put your pan into the oven once it is done preheating. You will keep your brownies in the oven for 28 minutes. Add more time if needed.

While your brownies are cooking, you can start making you ghost. To make your ghost you will put the white chocolate chips in a microwave safe bowl, warm up the chocolate chips for 30 seconds, stir them up, put them in the microwave for another 30 seconds, stir it up, and if needed warm up for another 30 seconds and stir.

Now spread the melted white chocolate on parchment paper. Put them in the fridge until your ready to put them on your brownies.

Around this time your brownies should be done. If not you can clean the dishes, your mom will appreciate it. When you brownies are out you will let them cool for 5-10 minutes. After that you will warm up 3-4 marshmallows in the microwave in a microwave safe bowl.

Once you get your marshmallows out of the microwave, you will put them on your brownies. How do I do that? Well you get around a dime size ball of marshmallow, get both of your thumbs and pointer fingers in the marshmallow and spread them apart onto the brownie.

After you put on your spider webs you will need to put on eyeballs for your ghost. You do a dot by a dot and underneath those dots you do one more.

Next you get to put your ghost on the brownies.

This is going to be the hardest step. You get to enjoy the brownies that you slaved over. So get a spooky Halloween movie on and eat your brownies.