Halloween Cupcake Wrapper

Here is a nice and easy way to fancy up your cupcakes for Halloween. Don't worry about decorating them when you can just dress them up.
What You Need

- Silhouette Cameo (or you can print and cut these out)
- Paper
- Scissors
- Tape or Glue
- Cupcakes
- Silhouette File or your own design (I had to upload it in a zip file in order to get it on the site. If this doesn't work, or you just want the file, you can email me or PM me and I'll get it to you)
To get started, I cut up a cupcake liner to kind of get an idea of how big it would need to be. It looks like a good 9 inches should be long enough for most cupcakes. I went a little longer and then just cut off the excess. From my experimenting I decided it was best to not have a straight liner or a circle curved liner. It seemed like an slightly curved shape works out nicely for not being too wide or too tight.
Creating the Pumpkin Liner

Creating the Pumpkin Liner:
- Create an oval and use that to line up your design. Don't have it as extreme as my half circle one, but don't have it go straight. (I don't have my original screenshots so you don't see the oval in my images but you can see the curve I created.)
- Then draw or upload your design/image. I used a pumpkin from one of Silhouette's free images of the week.
- Delete part of each side of your design, where the designs are going to meet up (for me, it is the sides of the pumpkin) and deleted the bottom, where the design will meet the base.
- Copy and repeat the design over and over making sure the open sides meet up and twist it one way or the other to get the curve. Use the green circle to rotate the design.
- If there is a lack of connection, as you can see at the base of my pumpkins, create a line or whatever is needed to connect the images together.
- Copy until your image is long enough.
- Create the base by using two straight lines down on each side and a curved line to connect them.
Try Them Out