Halloween Goo for Kids

So my best friend had to get the kiddies out of the house so the wife can clean a bit I suggested we make this super fun easy to make safe stuff. Easy fun no toxic stuff goo for kids. Supplies needed are clear non toxic glue 1 bottle for each batch. Borax. Food coloring. This would make great party favors for Halloween party's even for adults.

Mix in a container half a cup of water with half a teaspoon of borax. It blends kinda rough.
Mix Again

Mix in a separate container mix 01 cup of water with the glue. After mixed we'll add desired color I did mutant green and blue.
Final Blend

Mix two mixes together soon as you begin mixing it will form in to a thick fun goo. Place in separate container any left over water discard.'

Play have fun it can be messy and is non toxic. For extra cool effects get a glow stick and throw one in there. I store mine in mason jars.