Hanging Luminary

by sk2980 in Craft > Art

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Hanging Luminary


Print and assemble your own hanging (or sitting) luminary!


  • Overture TPU 95
  • Nylon fabric
  • Pantyhose
  • Nylon with percentage of Spandex
  • Wired fairy lights
  • Battery or USB operated
  • Basic Tools
  • Scissors
  • Binder clips/Masking tape
  • Tacky super glue

Printing the Structure

final_paarts copy.png

Download and print the files out of TPU filament, preferably TPU 95 as it provides strong structural support while still being a flexible material.

Make sure to print accordingly with your material as well as your printer because every printer is different and slight changes in temperature and printing speed could result in errors.

Lastly make sure to use support material where the material connects to the bed only.

Printing the Petals


In order to print the petals you need to strap a rectangular strip of nylon or other stretchy material to the bed of your printer. For our design we used a clean pantyhose.

We simply taped down 4”x 6” rectangles of nylon to the printer bed making sure to stretch the fabric in the short direction by pulling vertically on the longer sides.

After printing the oval shape on the nylon and removing it from the bed you should have a curved potato chip that needs its edges to be trimmed.

Depending on how many petals you'd like, repeat this process 2-5 more times.



3 fan.png
all 6.png

Take your wired fairy light and wrap it around the center rod.

Connect the petals to the ribs of the structure by using super glue - in our example we used a Gorilla brand super glue. Only half of the petal will stay glued to the rib rods.

Arrange each rod and connect to the holes in any way you wish! Play around with arrangements to achieve varying degrees of a twist.

In our example, we connected the rod with a two-hole difference between the top and bottom connections.

This style gave the structure a dynamic twist while still being stable.


To hang your lamp, you can hang the structure using the remaining string lights or by attaching a string of your choice. We used fishing lines to hold our lamp up.

To keep the lamp steady and firm on a surface with minimal waddling, feel free to take a small amount of your adhesive (super glue or hot glue) and firmly connect the base to the bottom hole.