Hanging Spiral Lamp

by ctm8450 in Craft > Art

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Hanging Spiral Lamp


This is my version of a hanging spiral lamp. This lamp also utilizes 3D printing on textiles which is a relatively new area for discovery in 3D printing.


3d Printer

Clear PETG

2x S Hooks

40 Diode Fairy Lights

Mesh Fabric


1x Screw/ Bolt 

Any Weight

Print the Initial Base

Import the file for the spiral body. In cura the settings follow as: 250° Nozzle Temp.

95° Bed Temp.

60 mm/s Print Speed

Do not move spiral it will remain here throughout the whole print

Once Printed Tape the Fairy Lights to the spiral’s base

Second Layer Preperation

Import the file for the spiral top. In cura the settings follow as: 250° Nozzle Temp.

35° Bed Temp.

80 mm/s Print Speed


If you do not spiralize the top layer the print will fail

Printing the Second Layer

Using binder stretch the mesh across the whole bed. Make sure the clips don’t interfere with the bed z axis. Make Sure the top is somewhat level some small bumps are okay. When the auto level comes down make sure it taps slightly above the mesh for a more consistent print 

Post Print Treatments

Once off the print bed you can finally take the base and the new layer off after unclipping the binders. Trim the mesh so none is directly exposed. This next step can either be done with a heat press or super glue, but its purpose is to seal any imperfections in the print. 

Heat Press

Place the whole trimmed print into the press in between teflon barriers. Heat to 250° and apply pressure for 30 seconds.

Super Glue

When weight is applied to the bottom look for weak points of adhesion between the top and base layer. Apply super glue.


Attach any weight to the bottom using the square peg at the end and a bolt and screw to affix a weight