
This is the classic game Hangman transferred into CMD.
As usual, you will need notepad, CMD, and the ability to copy and paste.
The Code

@echo off
title Hangman
echo this game was made by NotePro
pause> nul
echo Mode - 1) 1 player 2) 2+ player
echo 1 player -^> You %Pwins%:%Cwins% Computer
choice /c 0123456789 /n
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto 1player
if %errorlevel% GEQ 3 goto 2player
if %errorlevel% == 1 echo How do you play 0 player? TEACH ME YOUR WAYS!! && pause> nul && goto menu
echo computer choosing word...
set word=%random%
if %word% LSS 31 goto chooseword
if %word% GTR 1000 set /a word=%word% -970
set /a word= %word% -30
if %word% LSS 31 goto chooseword
goto loop
if %word% == 1 set L1= B && set L2= A && set L3= N && set L4= J && set L5= O
if %word% == 2 set L1= H && set L2= O && set L3= R && set L4= N && set L5= S
if %word% == 3 set L1= S && set L2= E && set L3= W && set L4= E && set L5= R
if %word% == 4 set L1= M && set L2= E && set L3= L && set L4= O && set L5= N
if %word% == 5 set L1= L && set L2= U && set L3= R && set L4= I && set L5= D
if %word% == 6 set L1= K && set L2= R && set L3= I && set L4= L && set L5= L
if %word% == 7 set L1= D && set L2= W && set L3= A && set L4= R && set L5= F
if %word% == 8 set L1= R && set L2= U && set L3= G && set L4= B && set L5= Y
if %word% == 9 set L1= T && set L2= A && set L3= C && set L4= O && set L5= S
if %word% == 10 set L1= A && set L2= L && set L3= P && set L4= H && set L5= A
if %word% == 11 set L1= A && set L2= L && set L3= O && set L4= F && set L5= T
if %word% == 12 set L1= C && set L2= H && set L3= U && set L4= T && set L5= E
if %word% == 13 set L1= G && set L2= L && set L3= A && set L4= S && set L5= S
if %word% == 14 set L1= N && set L2= U && set L3= K && set L4= E && set L5= D
if %word% == 15 set L1= F && set L2= A && set L3= T && set L4= T && set L5= Yv
if %word% == 16 set L1= Q && set L2= U && set L3= A && set L4= C && set L5= K
if %word% == 17 set L1= P && set L2= R && set L3= I && set L4= M && set L5= E
if %word% == 18 set L1= W && set L2= I && set L3= T && set L4= T && set L5= Y
if %word% == 19 set L1= E && set L2= X && set L3= I && set L4= S && set L5= T
if %word% == 20 set L1= O && set L2= Z && set L3= O && set L4= N && set L5= E
if %word% == 21 set L1= I && set L2= D && set L3= E && set L4= A && set L5= S
if %word% == 22 set L1= J && set L2= O && set L3= L && set L4= L && set L5= Y
if %word% == 23 set L1= U && set L2= N && set L3= C && set L4= L && set L5= E
if %word% == 24 set L1= V && set L2= I && set L3= T && set L4= A && set L5= L
if %word% == 25 set L1= G && set L2= N && set L3= A && set L4= S && set L5= H
if %word% == 26 set L1= Y && set L2= O && set L3= U && set L4= T && set L5= H
if %word% == 27 set L1= Z && set L2= O && set L3= N && set L4= E && set L5= D
if %word% == 28 set L1= F && set L2= L && set L3= U && set L4= N && set L5= G
if %word% == 29 set L1= B && set L2= L && set L3= O && set L4= N && set L5= D
if %word% == 30 set L1= K && set L2= N && set L3= O && set L4= W && set L5= S
set H1=
set H2=
set H3=
set H4=
set H5=
set H6=
set H7=
set H8=
set H9=
set S1=_
set S2=_
set S3=_
set S4=_
set S5=_
set a=
set b=
set c=
set d=
set e=
set f=
set g=
set h=
set i=
set j=
set k=
set l=
set m=
set n=
set o=
set p=
set q=
set r=
set s=
set t=
set u=
set v=
set w=
set x=
set y=
set z=
set /a fail=0
goto Ccheck1
set found=0
echo ______
echo ^| ^|
echo %H1%%H2% ^| %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %h% %i% %j% %k% %l% %m%
echo %H4%%H3%%H5% ^| %n% %o% %p% %q% %r% %s% %t% %u% %v% %w% %x% %y% %z%
echo %H8%%H6%%H7%%H9% ^|
echo ^|
echo ____^|___
echo %S1% %S2% %S3% %S4% %S5%
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto a
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto b
if %errorlevel% == 3 goto c
if %errorlevel% == 4 goto d
if %errorlevel% == 5 goto e
if %errorlevel% == 6 goto f
if %errorlevel% == 7 goto g
if %errorlevel% == 8 goto h
if %errorlevel% == 9 goto i
if %errorlevel% == 10 goto j
if %errorlevel% == 11 goto k
if %errorlevel% == 12 goto l
if %errorlevel% == 13 goto m
if %errorlevel% == 14 goto n
if %errorlevel% == 15 goto o
if %errorlevel% == 16 goto p
if %errorlevel% == 17 goto q
if %errorlevel% == 18 goto r
if %errorlevel% == 19 goto s
if %errorlevel% == 20 goto t
if %errorlevel% == 21 goto u
if %errorlevel% == 22 goto v
if %errorlevel% == 23 goto w
if %errorlevel% == 24 goto x
if %errorlevel% == 25 goto y
if %errorlevel% == 26 goto z
if %L1%==A set S1=A && set found=1
if %L2%==A set S2=A && set found=1
if %L3%==A set S3=A && set found=1
if %L4%==A set S4=A && set found=1
if %L5%==A set S5=A && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set a=a && goto Cfail
if %L1%==B set S1=B && set found=1
if %L2%==B set S2=B && set found=1
if %L3%==B set S3=B && set found=1
if %L4%==B set S4=B && set found=1
if %L5%==B set S5=B && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set b=b && goto Cfail
if %L1%==C set S1=C && set found=1
if %L2%==C set S2=C && set found=1
if %L3%==C set S3=C && set found=1
if %L4%==C set S4=C && set found=1
if %L5%==C set S5=C && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set c=c && goto Cfail
if %L1%==D set S1=D && set found=1
if %L2%==D set S2=D && set found=1
if %L3%==D set S3=D && set found=1
if %L4%==D set S4=D && set found=1
if %L5%==D set S5=D && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set d=d && goto Cfail
if %L1%==E set S1=E && set found=1
if %L2%==E set S2=E && set found=1
if %L3%==E set S3=E && set found=1
if %L4%==E set S4=E && set found=1
if %L5%==E set S5=E && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set e=e && goto Cfail
if %L1%==F set S1=F && set found=1
if %L2%==F set S2=F && set found=1
if %L3%==F set S3=F && set found=1
if %L4%==F set S4=F && set found=1
if %L5%==F set S5=F && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set f=f && goto Cfail
if %L1%==G set S1=G && set found=1
if %L2%==G set S2=G && set found=1
if %L3%==G set S3=G && set found=1
if %L4%==G set S4=G && set found=1
if %L5%==G set S5=G && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set g=g && goto Cfail
if %L1%==H set S1=H && set found=1
if %L2%==H set S2=H && set found=1
if %L3%==H set S3=H && set found=1
if %L4%==H set S4=H && set found=1
if %L5%==H set S5=H && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set h=h && goto Cfail
if %L1%==I set S1=I && set found=1
if %L2%==I set S2=I && set found=1
if %L3%==I set S3=I && set found=1
if %L4%==I set S4=I && set found=1
if %L5%==I set S5=I && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set i=i && goto Cfail
if %L1%==J set S1=J && set found=1
if %L2%==J set S2=J && set found=1
if %L3%==J set S3=J && set found=1
if %L4%==J set S4=J && set found=1
if %L5%==J set S5=J && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set j=j && goto Cfail
if %L1%==K set S1=K && set found=1
if %L2%==K set S2=K && set found=1
if %L3%==K set S3=K && set found=1
if %L4%==K set S4=K && set found=1
if %L5%==K set S5=K && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set k=k && goto Cfail
if %L1%==L set S1=L && set found=1
if %L2%==L set S2=L && set found=1
if %L3%==L set S3=L && set found=1
if %L4%==L set S4=L && set found=1
if %L5%==L set S5=L && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set l=l && goto Cfail
if %L1%==M set S1=M && set found=1
if %L2%==M set S2=M && set found=1
if %L3%==M set S3=M && set found=1
if %L4%==M set S4=M && set found=1
if %L5%==M set S5=M && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set m=m && goto Cfail
if %L1%==N set S1=N && set found=1
if %L2%==N set S2=N && set found=1
if %L3%==N set S3=N && set found=1
if %L4%==N set S4=N && set found=1
if %L5%==N set S5=N && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set n=n && goto Cfail
if %L1%==O set S1=O && set found=1
if %L2%==O set S2=O && set found=1
if %L3%==O set S3=O && set found=1
if %L4%==O set S4=O && set found=1
if %L5%==O set S5=O && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set o=o && goto Cfail
if %L1%==P set S1=P && set found=1
if %L2%==P set S2=P && set found=1
if %L3%==P set S3=P && set found=1
if %L4%==P set S4=P && set found=1
if %L5%==P set S5=P && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set p=p && goto Cfail
if %L1%==Q set S1=Q && set found=1
if %L2%==Q set S2=Q && set found=1
if %L3%==Q set S3=Q && set found=1
if %L4%==Q set S4=Q && set found=1
if %L5%==Q set S5=Q && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set q=q && goto Cfail
if %L1%==R set S1=R && set found=1
if %L2%==R set S2=R && set found=1
if %L3%==R set S3=R && set found=1
if %L4%==R set S4=R && set found=1
if %L5%==R set S5=R && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set r=r && goto Cfail
if %L1%==S set S1=S && set found=1
if %L2%==S set S2=S && set found=1
if %L3%==S set S3=S && set found=1
if %L4%==S set S4=S && set found=1
if %L5%==S set S5=S && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set s=s && goto Cfail
if %L1%==T set S1=T && set found=1
if %L2%==T set S2=T && set found=1
if %L3%==T set S3=T && set found=1
if %L4%==T set S4=T && set found=1
if %L5%==T set S5=T && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set t=t && goto Cfail
if %L1%==U set S1=U && set found=1
if %L2%==U set S2=U && set found=1
if %L3%==U set S3=U && set found=1
if %L4%==U set S4=U && set found=1
if %L5%==U set S5=U && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set u=u && goto Cfail
if %L1%==V set S1=V && set found=1
if %L2%==V set S2=V && set found=1
if %L3%==V set S3=V && set found=1
if %L4%==V set S4=V && set found=1
if %L5%==V set S5=V && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set v=v && goto Cfail
if %L1%==W set S1=W && set found=1
if %L2%==W set S2=W && set found=1
if %L3%==W set S3=W && set found=1
if %L4%==W set S4=W && set found=1
if %L5%==W set S5=W && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set w=w && goto Cfail
if %L1%==X set S1=X && set found=1
if %L2%==X set S2=X && set found=1
if %L3%==X set S3=X && set found=1
if %L4%==X set S4=X && set found=1
if %L5%==X set S5=X && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set x=x && goto Cfail
if %L1%==Y set S1=Y && set found=1
if %L2%==Y set S2=Y && set found=1
if %L3%==Y set S3=Y && set found=1
if %L4%==Y set S4=Y && set found=1
if %L5%==Y set S5=Y && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set y=y && goto Cfail
if %L1%==Z set S1=Z && set found=1
if %L2%==Z set S2=Z && set found=1
if %L3%==Z set S3=Z && set found=1
if %L4%==Z set S4=Z && set found=1
if %L5%==Z set S5=Z && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto Changman
set z=z && goto Cfail
set /a fail = %fail% +1
if %fail% == 1 set H1=(
if %fail% == 2 set H2=)
if %fail% == 3 set H3=l
if %fail% == 4 set H4=\
if %fail% == 5 set H5=/
if %fail% == 6 set H6=/
if %fail% == 7 set H7=\
if %fail% == 8 set H8=_
if %fail% == 9 set H9=_
if %fail% == 10 goto Cgameover
goto Changman
set /a Pwins = %Pwins% +1
echo ______
echo ^| ^|
echo %H1%%H2% ^| %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %h% %i% %j% %k% %l% %m%
echo %H4%%H3%%H5% ^| %n% %o% %p% %q% %r% %s% %t% %u% %v% %w% %x% %y% %z%
echo %H8%%H6%%H7%%H9% ^|
echo ^|
echo ____^|___
echo %S1% %S2% %S3% %S4% %S5%
echo You Won!
choice /c yn /n /m "Again? Y/N"
if %errorlevel%==1 goto 1player
if %errorlevel%==2 goto menu
set /a Cwins = %Cwins% +1
echo Sorry!! Game Over.
echo the word was %L1%%L2%%L3%%L4%%L5%
echo Computer - ;) I win!
echo Computer - Dare to try again?
echo Computer - Y/N
choice /c yn /n
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto 1player
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto menu
if %S1%==_ goto Cguess
if %S2%==_ goto Cguess
if %S3%==_ goto Cguess
if %S4%==_ goto Cguess
if %S5%==%L5% goto Cwin
goto Cguess
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n /m "enter the 5-letter word (Make sure no one can see what it is!)"
if %errorlevel% == 1 set L1= A
if %errorlevel% == 2 set L1=B
if %errorlevel% == 3 set L1=C
if %errorlevel% == 4 set L1=D
if %errorlevel% == 5 set L1=E
if %errorlevel% == 6 set L1=F
if %errorlevel% == 7 set L1=G
if %errorlevel% == 8 set L1=H
if %errorlevel% == 9 set L1=I
if %errorlevel% == 10 set L1=J
if %errorlevel% == 11 set L1=K
if %errorlevel% == 12 set L1=L
if %errorlevel% == 13 set L1=M
if %errorlevel% == 14 set L1=N
if %errorlevel% == 15 set L1=O
if %errorlevel% == 16 set L1=P
if %errorlevel% == 17 set L1=Q
if %errorlevel% == 18 set L1=R
if %errorlevel% == 19 set L1=S
if %errorlevel% == 20 set L1=T
if %errorlevel% == 21 set L1=U
if %errorlevel% == 22 set L1=V
if %errorlevel% == 23 set L1=W
if %errorlevel% == 24 set L1=X
if %errorlevel% == 25 set L1=Y
if %errorlevel% == 26 set L1=Z
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n /m "enter the 5-letter word (Make sure no one can see what it is!)"
if %errorlevel% == 1 set L2= A
if %errorlevel% == 2 set L2=B
if %errorlevel% == 3 set L2=C
if %errorlevel% == 4 set L2=D
if %errorlevel% == 5 set L2=E
if %errorlevel% == 6 set L2=F
if %errorlevel% == 7 set L2=G
if %errorlevel% == 8 set L2=H
if %errorlevel% == 9 set L2=I
if %errorlevel% == 10 set L2=J
if %errorlevel% == 11 set L2=K
if %errorlevel% == 12 set L2=L
if %errorlevel% == 13 set L2=M
if %errorlevel% == 14 set L2=N
if %errorlevel% == 15 set L2=O
if %errorlevel% == 16 set L2=P
if %errorlevel% == 17 set L2=Q
if %errorlevel% == 18 set L2=R
if %errorlevel% == 19 set L2=S
if %errorlevel% == 20 set L2=T
if %errorlevel% == 21 set L2=U
if %errorlevel% == 22 set L2=V
if %errorlevel% == 23 set L2=W
if %errorlevel% == 24 set L2=X
if %errorlevel% == 25 set L2=Y
if %errorlevel% == 26 set L2=Z
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n /m "enter the 5-letter word (Make sure no one can see what it is!)"
if %errorlevel% == 1 set L3= A
if %errorlevel% == 2 set L3=B
if %errorlevel% == 3 set L3=C
if %errorlevel% == 4 set L3=D
if %errorlevel% == 5 set L3=E
if %errorlevel% == 6 set L3=F
if %errorlevel% == 7 set L3=G
if %errorlevel% == 8 set L3=H
if %errorlevel% == 9 set L3=I
if %errorlevel% == 10 set L3=J
if %errorlevel% == 11 set L3=K
if %errorlevel% == 12 set L3=L
if %errorlevel% == 13 set L3=M
if %errorlevel% == 14 set L3=N
if %errorlevel% == 15 set L3=O
if %errorlevel% == 16 set L3=P
if %errorlevel% == 17 set L3=Q
if %errorlevel% == 18 set L3=R
if %errorlevel% == 19 set L3=S
if %errorlevel% == 20 set L3=T
if %errorlevel% == 21 set L3=U
if %errorlevel% == 22 set L3=V
if %errorlevel% == 23 set L3=W
if %errorlevel% == 24 set L3=X
if %errorlevel% == 25 set L3=Y
if %errorlevel% == 26 set L3=Z
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n /m "enter the 5-letter word (Make sure no one can see what it is!)"
if %errorlevel% == 1 set L4= A
if %errorlevel% == 2 set L4=B
if %errorlevel% == 3 set L4=C
if %errorlevel% == 4 set L4=D
if %errorlevel% == 5 set L4=E
if %errorlevel% == 6 set L4=F
if %errorlevel% == 7 set L4=G
if %errorlevel% == 8 set L4=H
if %errorlevel% == 9 set L4=I
if %errorlevel% == 10 set L4=J
if %errorlevel% == 11 set L4=K
if %errorlevel% == 12 set L4=L
if %errorlevel% == 13 set L4=M
if %errorlevel% == 14 set L4=N
if %errorlevel% == 15 set L4=O
if %errorlevel% == 16 set L4=P
if %errorlevel% == 17 set L4=Q
if %errorlevel% == 18 set L4=R
if %errorlevel% == 19 set L4=S
if %errorlevel% == 20 set L4=T
if %errorlevel% == 21 set L4=U
if %errorlevel% == 22 set L4=V
if %errorlevel% == 23 set L4=W
if %errorlevel% == 24 set L4=X
if %errorlevel% == 25 set L4=Y
if %errorlevel% == 26 set L4=Z
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n /m "enter the 5-letter word (Make sure no one can see what it is!)"
if %errorlevel% == 1 set L5=A
if %errorlevel% == 2 set L5=B
if %errorlevel% == 3 set L5=C
if %errorlevel% == 4 set L5=D
if %errorlevel% == 5 set L5=E
if %errorlevel% == 6 set L5=F
if %errorlevel% == 7 set L5=G
if %errorlevel% == 8 set L5=H
if %errorlevel% == 9 set L5=I
if %errorlevel% == 10 set L5=J
if %errorlevel% == 11 set L5=K
if %errorlevel% == 12 set L5=L
if %errorlevel% == 13 set L5=M
if %errorlevel% == 14 set L5=N
if %errorlevel% == 15 set L5=O
if %errorlevel% == 16 set L5=P
if %errorlevel% == 17 set L5=Q
if %errorlevel% == 18 set L5=R
if %errorlevel% == 19 set L5=S
if %errorlevel% == 20 set L5=T
if %errorlevel% == 21 set L5=U
if %errorlevel% == 22 set L5=V
if %errorlevel% == 23 set L5=W
if %errorlevel% == 24 set L5=X
if %errorlevel% == 25 set L5=Y
if %errorlevel% == 26 set L5=Z
set H1=
set H2=
set H3=
set H4=
set H5=
set H6=
set H7=
set H8=
set H9=
set S1=_
set S2=_
set S3=_
set S4=_
set S5=_
set a=
set b=
set c=
set d=
set e=
set f=
set g=
set h=
set i=
set j=
set k=
set l=
set m=
set n=
set o=
set p=
set q=
set r=
set s=
set t=
set u=
set v=
set w=
set x=
set y=
set z=
set /a fail=0
goto check1
set found=0
echo ______
echo ^| ^|
echo %H1%%H2% ^| %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %h% %i% %j% %k% %l% %m%
echo %H4%%H3%%H5% ^| %n% %o% %p% %q% %r% %s% %t% %u% %v% %w% %x% %y% %z%
echo %H8%%H6%%H7%%H9% ^|
echo ^|
echo ____^|___
echo %S1% %S2% %S3% %S4% %S5%
choice /c abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz /n
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto a
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto b
if %errorlevel% == 3 goto c
if %errorlevel% == 4 goto d
if %errorlevel% == 5 goto e
if %errorlevel% == 6 goto f
if %errorlevel% == 7 goto g
if %errorlevel% == 8 goto h
if %errorlevel% == 9 goto i
if %errorlevel% == 10 goto j
if %errorlevel% == 11 goto k
if %errorlevel% == 12 goto l
if %errorlevel% == 13 goto m
if %errorlevel% == 14 goto n
if %errorlevel% == 15 goto o
if %errorlevel% == 16 goto p
if %errorlevel% == 17 goto q
if %errorlevel% == 18 goto r
if %errorlevel% == 19 goto s
if %errorlevel% == 20 goto t
if %errorlevel% == 21 goto u
if %errorlevel% == 22 goto v
if %errorlevel% == 23 goto w
if %errorlevel% == 24 goto x
if %errorlevel% == 25 goto y
if %errorlevel% == 26 goto z
if %L1%==A set S1=A && set found=1
if %L2%==A set S2=A && set found=1
if %L3%==A set S3=A && set found=1
if %L4%==A set S4=A && set found=1
if %L5%==A set S5=A && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set a=a && goto fail
if %L1%==B set S1=B && set found=1
if %L2%==B set S2=B && set found=1
if %L3%==B set S3=B && set found=1
if %L4%==B set S4=B && set found=1
if %L5%==B set S5=B && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set b=b && goto fail
if %L1%==C set S1=C && set found=1
if %L2%==C set S2=C && set found=1
if %L3%==C set S3=C && set found=1
if %L4%==C set S4=C && set found=1
if %L5%==C set S5=C && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set c=c && goto fail
if %L1%==D set S1=D && set found=1
if %L2%==D set S2=D && set found=1
if %L3%==D set S3=D && set found=1
if %L4%==D set S4=D && set found=1
if %L5%==D set S5=D && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set d=d && goto fail
if %L1%==E set S1=E && set found=1
if %L2%==E set S2=E && set found=1
if %L3%==E set S3=E && set found=1
if %L4%==E set S4=E && set found=1
if %L5%==E set S5=E && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set e=e && goto fail
if %L1%==F set S1=F && set found=1
if %L2%==F set S2=F && set found=1
if %L3%==F set S3=F && set found=1
if %L4%==F set S4=F && set found=1
if %L5%==F set S5=F && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set f=f && goto fail
if %L1%==G set S1=G && set found=1
if %L2%==G set S2=G && set found=1
if %L3%==G set S3=G && set found=1
if %L4%==G set S4=G && set found=1
if %L5%==G set S5=G && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set g=g && goto fail
if %L1%==H set S1=H && set found=1
if %L2%==H set S2=H && set found=1
if %L3%==H set S3=H && set found=1
if %L4%==H set S4=H && set found=1
if %L5%==H set S5=H && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set h=h && goto fail
if %L1%==I set S1=I && set found=1
if %L2%==I set S2=I && set found=1
if %L3%==I set S3=I && set found=1
if %L4%==I set S4=I && set found=1
if %L5%==I set S5=I && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set i=i && goto fail
if %L1%==J set S1=J && set found=1
if %L2%==J set S2=J && set found=1
if %L3%==J set S3=J && set found=1
if %L4%==J set S4=J && set found=1
if %L5%==J set S5=J && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set j=j && goto fail
if %L1%==K set S1=K && set found=1
if %L2%==K set S2=K && set found=1
if %L3%==K set S3=K && set found=1
if %L4%==K set S4=K && set found=1
if %L5%==K set S5=K && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set k=k && goto fail
if %L1%==L set S1=L && set found=1
if %L2%==L set S2=L && set found=1
if %L3%==L set S3=L && set found=1
if %L4%==L set S4=L && set found=1
if %L5%==L set S5=L && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set l=l && goto fail
if %L1%==M set S1=M && set found=1
if %L2%==M set S2=M && set found=1
if %L3%==M set S3=M && set found=1
if %L4%==M set S4=M && set found=1
if %L5%==M set S5=M && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set m=m && goto fail
if %L1%==N set S1=N && set found=1
if %L2%==N set S2=N && set found=1
if %L3%==N set S3=N && set found=1
if %L4%==N set S4=N && set found=1
if %L5%==N set S5=N && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set n=n && goto fail
if %L1%==O set S1=O && set found=1
if %L2%==O set S2=O && set found=1
if %L3%==O set S3=O && set found=1
if %L4%==O set S4=O && set found=1
if %L5%==O set S5=O && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set o=o && goto fail
if %L1%==P set S1=P && set found=1
if %L2%==P set S2=P && set found=1
if %L3%==P set S3=P && set found=1
if %L4%==P set S4=P && set found=1
if %L5%==P set S5=P && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set p=p && goto fail
if %L1%==Q set S1=Q && set found=1
if %L2%==Q set S2=Q && set found=1
if %L3%==Q set S3=Q && set found=1
if %L4%==Q set S4=Q && set found=1
if %L5%==Q set S5=Q && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set q=q && goto fail
if %L1%==R set S1=R && set found=1
if %L2%==R set S2=R && set found=1
if %L3%==R set S3=R && set found=1
if %L4%==R set S4=R && set found=1
if %L5%==R set S5=R && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set r=r && goto fail
if %L1%==S set S1=S && set found=1
if %L2%==S set S2=S && set found=1
if %L3%==S set S3=S && set found=1
if %L4%==S set S4=S && set found=1
if %L5%==S set S5=S && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set s=s && goto fail
if %L1%==T set S1=T && set found=1
if %L2%==T set S2=T && set found=1
if %L3%==T set S3=T && set found=1
if %L4%==T set S4=T && set found=1
if %L5%==T set S5=T && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set t=t && goto fail
if %L1%==U set S1=U && set found=1
if %L2%==U set S2=U && set found=1
if %L3%==U set S3=U && set found=1
if %L4%==U set S4=U && set found=1
if %L5%==U set S5=U && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set u=u && goto fail
if %L1%==V set S1=V && set found=1
if %L2%==V set S2=V && set found=1
if %L3%==V set S3=V && set found=1
if %L4%==V set S4=V && set found=1
if %L5%==V set S5=V && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set v=v && goto fail
if %L1%==W set S1=W && set found=1
if %L2%==W set S2=W && set found=1
if %L3%==W set S3=W && set found=1
if %L4%==W set S4=W && set found=1
if %L5%==W set S5=W && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set w=w && goto fail
if %L1%==X set S1=X && set found=1
if %L2%==X set S2=X && set found=1
if %L3%==X set S3=X && set found=1
if %L4%==X set S4=X && set found=1
if %L5%==X set S5=X && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set x=x && goto fail
if %L1%==Y set S1=Y && set found=1
if %L2%==Y set S2=Y && set found=1
if %L3%==Y set S3=Y && set found=1
if %L4%==Y set S4=Y && set found=1
if %L5%==Y set S5=Y && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set y=y && goto fail
if %L1%==Z set S1=Z && set found=1
if %L2%==Z set S2=Z && set found=1
if %L3%==Z set S3=Z && set found=1
if %L4%==Z set S4=Z && set found=1
if %L5%==Z set S5=Z && set found=1
if %found% == 1 goto hangman
set z=z && goto fail
set /a fail = %fail% +1
if %fail% == 1 set H1=(
if %fail% == 2 set H2=)
if %fail% == 3 set H3=l
if %fail% == 4 set H4=\
if %fail% == 5 set H5=/
if %fail% == 6 set H6=/
if %fail% == 7 set H7=\
if %fail% == 8 set H8=_
if %fail% == 9 set H9=_
if %fail% == 10 goto gameover
goto hangman
echo ______
echo ^| ^|
echo %H1%%H2% ^| %a% %b% %c% %d% %e% %f% %g% %h% %i% %j% %k% %l% %m%
echo %H4%%H3%%H5% ^| %n% %o% %p% %q% %r% %s% %t% %u% %v% %w% %x% %y% %z%
echo %H8%%H6%%H7%%H9% ^|
echo ^|
echo ____^|___
echo %S1% %S2% %S3% %S4% %S5%
echo You Won!
choice /c yn /n /m "Again? Y/N"
if %errorlevel%==1 goto 2player
if %errorlevel%==2 goto menu
echo Sorry!! Game Over.
echo the word was %L1%%L2%%L3%%L4%%L5%
echo Try again?
choice /c yn /n /m "Y/N"
if %errorlevel% == 1 goto 2player
if %errorlevel% == 2 goto menu
if %S1%==_ goto guess
if %S2%==_ goto guess
if %S3%==_ goto guess
if %S4%==_ goto guess
if %S5%==%L5% goto win
goto guess
There are two modes, 2-player and 1-player. With 2-player, one person enters a word that everyone else has to try and guess. With 1-player, the computer chooses a word and you have to guess it. When you play, you have 10 incorrect guesses you can use before you fail. The word will be shown every time you fail or succeed in guessing the word. The computer chooses random words by using a %random% variable controller which I have made in a previous instructable.
1.0 There are now thirty options for the computer to choose from!
1.1 Fixed (Hopefully) the last code problems in the game.
I hope you enjoyed this game!
(Remember to save the file with the extension .bat)