Happy-Angry Robot

In this tutorial we build a robot with gestures and graphic animation controlled by gestures


1.Arduino nano
2.oled display 64x128 I2c
3.sevomotor SG90 x2
4.RGB led (anode common)
5. .gesture sensor module ADPS-9960
6.Breadboard and jumper wires
7.Visuino software
8.shock sensor module
Schematic Diagram

Make the connections of the components according to the diagram below.Attention: The RGB LED and the gesture module are powered at 3.3 volts

In this stage, we mount the servo motors on the body of the robot, we fixed the breadboards with double adhesive tape. You can find other fixing methods. We make the connections according to the electrical diagram and fix the wires with clamps. I also fixed the servomotors with double-adhesive tape, as you can see in the video.
Software:Upload the Code in Arduino

In this step we download and install Visuino software. Find the code in visuino format as well as in INO format in the download section. We run the code and upload it to the Arduino board.
Start the Robot

- We carefully check the correctness of the connections and power up the device. The robot's eyes should appear on the screen, and the LED should light up white. We pass our hand over the gesture sensor and the robot's eyes should follow the movement of the hand. We hit the body of the robot and the graphics on the screen should change and the servomotors should run quickly. I hope you liked my project, if you have any questions you can put them in the comments section. Good luck everyone!