Hawkman & Hawkgirl.

Look up in he sky , here they come. The sons of the Wind, the almightiest feathered héroes. In this Halloween I give you: "Hawkman and Hawkigirl", in this parallel Universe they are Brothers in War.

1 Big ball of styrofoam
Paper glue,
Hot glue gun and bars,
Gray paints.
Foamy in Red, Yellow, Orange, Grey, Black
Paper glue,
Hot glue gun and bars,
Gray paints.
Foamy in Red, Yellow, Orange, Grey, Black
Thangarian Helmet.

Trace the shape of the mask in a sheet of cardboard, this is gonna be te template,on the orange foamy, then cut it out and start to glue it and make the shape of the helmet.
Thangarian Mace.

I used one big ball of styrofoam for the mace and 16 halves of small styrofoam balls. Just glue them around the ball , make a hole behind and stick a piece of dovel, paint in gray,let it dry and it`s ready to smash.
Thangarian Shield.

For the shield I used a rounded advertising sign tat found in a shop, I just cut in halves 4 styrofoam balls and glue it them to the shield, then glue a piece of paper, covering it, with mask tape I covered the small vals, and make all the details.Then I paint it all in Gray, because that´s the color of metal Nh,

As you know Hawkman just wear a round logo in his pumped chest, but its freezing nowadays, so in this concept Hawkman wear a yellow sweater.Cut some logos in Black foamy place them in red circles and stick in the chest. Add some details is just good use of imagination. We used Green pants, yellow sweater, red boots, belts in grey foamy, and finally make a pair of wings.
Ok that´s all for today, I hope ypu like it , rated and vote.Please leave a comment.Means a lot to me.
Ok that´s all for today, I hope ypu like it , rated and vote.Please leave a comment.Means a lot to me.