Heart Weave Pattern

by MaraCreates in Craft > Sewing

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Heart Weave Pattern

Heartweave final.jpg

Use this project as an introduction into the art of FABRIC WEAVING, this heart weave is a perfect small project to make as a gift for either a wall hanging or to even be used as a place-mat.



Choose two contrasting fabrics for your woven panel. One will be the “Hearts” (Fabric A) and the other will make be the “Background” (Fabric B). The more CONTRAST between the 2 fabrics you choose, the more your hearts will stand out.

1 FQ of Fabric A - this will be used for the hearts on the woven panel

1 FQ of Fabric B - this will be used for the background on the woven panel

1 FQ for the Applique Heart shape that goes around the woven panel (optional PDF available below)

1 FQ for the Backing, cut to 14" x 18"

and additional fabric for the binding (5" WOF-width of fabric, 48")


8" x 10" light fusible interfacing (I like using either Pellon SF 101 or 906F)

13" x 17" batting


1/2” thick 20” x 30” foam board (available at most craft or office supply stores)

Disappearing Ink Pen (easy to find Frixion pen from Pilot is my favorite)


1/2” bias tape maker (optional)

TOOLS for Fabric Cutting and Sewing:

Sewing Machine

Ruler/Cutting Mat/Rotary Cutter

Sewing Thread and/or Embroidery Thread



Let's get the fabric ready for the heart weave pattern.


(6 pieces) 1” x 21" strips from Fabric A (for the hearts)

(10 pieces) 1” x 21" strips from Fabric B (for the background)


Press strips by folding the edges into the middle WST (wrong sides together), like with single fold bias tape. They will measure 1/2” when done. Using a 1/2” bias tape maker will be very helpful for this step, but that is optional, this is such a small project, but if you have plans on making a whole lot more fabric weaving projects then I would suggest purchasing one, it will keep you from burning your fingers.


From the binding fabric, cut 2- 2 ½” x 48" WOF-Width of Fabric, strips.

Prepare binding by sewing the WOF strips end to end at a 45 degree angle, trim the excess fabric to reduce the seam bulk. Press binding in half wrong sides together lengthwise with an iron.


Heart Pattern Weaving

Heartweave directions A.jpg
Heartweave directions B.jpg
Heartweave directions C.jpg

1. Pin a copy of the heart weave paper pattern to the foam board.

2. Lay an 8” x 10” piece of fusible interfacing over the pattern with the textured side up. Pin each corner of the interfacing onto the pattern/board making sure the interfacing is taut.

3. PIN your fabric strips at a 45degree acute angle (diagonal line) onto the board, snugly together but not overlapping. Pull them very taut and pin. (See Picture A) The sequence is: One heart fabric strip (Fabric A), two background fabric strips (Fabric B), repeating. Start with the heart fabric at the bottom arrow that is pointing upwards. Use the diagonal grid lines on the paper pattern as guides (you should be able to see them through the interfacing, if you find it difficult to see the lines you can use a Disappearing Ink Pen to draw on the interfacing) so your strips are nice and straight. Since there is the possibility of slight variance in spacing with the drawn lines and your folded fabric, it is more important for the strips to be as close as possible to one another than for the strips to be placed exactly in between two lines.

4. The second layer is woven into the first layer at a 45 degree angle. (See Picture B) The sequence is over one, under two. As we weave in the second layer, the hearts begin to take shape. While the sequence is over one, under two throughout, how each strip begins will differ so that the design is staggered. Starting at the arrow on the right top corner of the pattern, take Fabric A (the heart color fabric) going from right to left you will go over the top of the background fabric to the right of the heart colored fabric running in the diagonal line, then it goes under 2 (first it goes under the heart color and then under the background color to the left, then back up to the top to go over the background fabric. Repeat this sequence: over 1, under 2, over 1, under 2, repeating until the strip is woven across all of the diagonal strips placed during step 3. Pin both ends in place, trim off any extra fabric.

5. Next take a piece of Fabric B (background color) to the top of the heart color you just put in, go under the background and heart color (under two) and over the background fabric to the left of the heart color (over one) and repeat, Repeat this sequence: under 2, over 1, under 2, over 1, repeating until the strip is woven across all diagonal strips. Pull the strip snug to the first diagonal strip, adjusting so that the strips are all snug together. Do this after every strip throughout. Pull the strip taut and pin both ends, cutting the excess fabric off.

6. Take a second piece of Fabric B (background color) and place it above the previous background strip, this one will go over the heart fabric and under the 2 background strips. Repeat this sequence: over 1, under 2, repeating until the strip is woven across all the diagonal strips. Pull the strip taut and pin both ends, cutting the excess fabric off.

7. Now you will start the process over again starting at step 4. Fill in the entire heart section so that the entire second layer has been woven into by the first layer (See Picture C) you do not need to weave outside of the heart picture since this will be covered up with a reverse applique.

8. After the Heart is completely covered carefully secure your finished woven panel to the interfacing, using a steam iron set on medium heat and being careful of the pins, gently steam and press to get enough of an adherence of the fabric to the interfacing. Optional: use washi tape or a removable tape to secure the edges of the fabric. Gently remove the pins while holding the panel down with one hand. Slide the panel off of the foam board onto an ironing board holding onto the interfacing. Gently holding the panel onto the interfacing flip it over and give it a good press from the back with the iron setting at cotton.

9. Take the woven panel to your machine and baste around the hearts sides to hold in place.

Reverse Heart Applique

Heartweave directions D.jpg
Heartweave embroidery.jpg

1. Cut the fabric you will be using for the top heart applique to 12" x 16", with the wrong side up place the paper pattern in the middle and cut the heart out along the dotted line with your rotary cutter. If you cut carefully you can re-use the fabric heart shape for another project.

2. Clip along the curves of the fabric heart shape being sure not to clip to far in, to make it easier to turn under.

3. Cut your Paper pattern heart along the solid line.

4. Take the fabric to the ironing board still with the wrong side up and place the paper pattern back on top and center over the heart shape, slowly pull the fabric over the paper pattern and press using a hot iron.

TIP: Spray some Starch into a little bowl and with a small paintbrush brush the starch along the edges of the heart shape, this will keep the shape better as you bring your piece to the sewing machine.


5. On a flat surface take the backing fabric and place it wrong side up, then your batting next, the fabric weave third (facing up), and center your heart applique on top (facing up), pin in place.

6. Slowly stitch along the heart shape, use a wider stitch length and take your time around the corners.

7. Flip the top fabric up and the batting and backing fabric out of the way and trim some of the heart weave panel away and closer to the seam line, so it doesn't show through to the top of the Heart applique piece. (See Picture D)

8. You can now quilt the heart as desired. I embroidered around my heart on mine. (See Picture above)

9. After quilting, trim the quilt down to 10 1/2" x 14". This is 1 1/2" away from the top and bottom of the heart and 3" on each side of the heart.

10. If used as a wall hanging add hanging corners. Simply cut two, 4 ½” squares and fold in half on the diagonal and press. Before sewing down the binding, pin the triangles, with the raw edges aligned with the top corners on the back of the quilt and stitch them in place when binding.

7. Binding: have your heart weave quilt facing up, place the binding strip that you ironed earlier and match the raw edges of the binding with the raw edges of the heart quilt use clips or pins to keep the layers together, sew a 1/4" seam along all sides. When you get to a corner stop 1/4" to the end and backstich, pull the needle up and cut the thread. Take the binding strip and fold it up away from your project creating a 45degree angle, then bring the binding strip back down to follow along the raw edge of the next side of the pillow (see pictures) Start sewing a 1/4" from the edge be sure to back stitch and continue to the next corner and do the same for all 4 corners, making it back to where you started the binding. Cut any excess off and sew the ends together. Iron the binding to the back and hand sew the binding to the back of the quilt.

And you are finished with a wonderful gift to give or keep!

Heart Weave Pattern

Heart Weave 1.JPG

What would you use the Heart Weave Pattern for? A wall hanging, table mat, something else?