Heart Envelopes

by jessyratfink in Craft > Paper

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Heart Envelopes


I've been seeing cute photosets on Tumblr and Pinterest lately showing an envelope made out of a heart. They make it look really easy, so of course I tried it out immediately. Turns out perfect heart envelopes are a little trickier than I thought, so I've added some instructions and a template so you guys can make a heart envelope perfectly the first time. :D

The heart envelope template I've attached to the next step makes a heart envelope that's the perfect size for gift cards or small notes, though I bet you could scale it up pretty easy!

What You'll Need:

  • heart envelope template (attached as a PDF!)
  • paper (thinner is better - construction paper was much too thick.)
  • scissors
  • pencil
  • glue stick

Aaaaand that's it. :D

I've attached a template because it can be a little tricky to find the right shape. I spent a whole afternoon cutting out hearts and trying to fold them into envelopes. :P I've also drawn fold lines on the template to make it super easy to do.

Go ahead and print out the PDF and cut out some hearts.

I like to trace the hearts onto the paper using a pencil and then cut them out. Make sure to erase the marks from the pencil after! It'll look cleaner.

The First Folds


You're going to use your template to do the folding - just fold it in at the top and bottom lines and use it to help you find out where to make the folds on the actual envelope. You can either lay it down on the envelope and use it as a folding guide or mark the lines with a pencil and then fold. :D

Place the heart wrong side up on your table.

Fold the top of the heart down into the middle. Leave the top of the heart folded down, and fold up the bottom of the heart up so that it partially covers the top of the heart.

The Second Fold


Now we'll fold in the sides!

Unfold the top and the bottom of the heart. Fold in the sides, lining up the fold lines across the middle to keep everything straight. The side fold line and the fold line for the flap on the envelope should meet at a 90 degree angle as shown on the template. :)

Fold up the top of the heart to see what your envelope looks like. At this point you might want to adjust the side folds if they're a little off.

Glue and You're Good to Go


Use the gluestick to run a thin line of glue all the way down the outer edge of the side folds. Fold the envelope up and press it in place while it dries. I normally crease my fold lines a little more while it dries!

And now the envelope is done. :D