Sick of all those feral possums in your roofs. Well this can help, build this easy possum box to give your common tourists a little accommodation. Altogether the costs of materials is around $8 per box
Materials: Makes 1
Cable Ties
1 Dark Green Spray-paint
Drill (For Holes)
150mm Circle Foam Piece (With Large Holes)
W =150mm x L =33.3 PVC Pipe (Get Pipe in 1 Metre Lengths)
Leaves For Design
Hay (For Comfort)
You will need:
Metre Pipes
Carefully saw the pipe into thirds, take one and focus on that one. After that prepare the drill with a 5mm thick drill head. Drill 5 singular holes around the top (The side your going to put the foam on), equal lengths,ready for the cable ties. Do one hole about 2 cm under each of the first holes then do another about a centimetre down. Pick two of the first holes you drilled (Works better when they are opposite then drill 2 huge holes with a 15mm drill head. Finally do five sets of 2 holes on the side where the possum is going to enter from. This will create air holes and holes for later use.
For This You Will Need:
- Foam Piece
- Scissors
- Zip Ties
Grab your foam piece and place it on the inside edge of the pipe, make sure that you put it on the side with the single holes. Then grab a few zip ties and wrap them through the holes at the bottom of the pipe and wrap them around they holes in the foam. This creates a stable back piece so the possum doesn't fall out.
What you will need:
Leaves for pattern
Possum Hut
Dark Green Spray Paint
Grab your hut and leaves, have your pipe sideways (where your painting) and put a few leaves down, Do not place the leaves directly next to each other. Grab the paint and spray it on the area around the leaves. Continue to do this all around the outside. After you do this it's ready! This means you can find a suitable tree.
What you will need:
Possum Hut
Find a tree that is healthy and has lots of leaves. In this tree, find a spot where it can easily sit straight and use the wires to keep the box secure using the branch or trunk. Make sure the big holes aren't facing upwards as it will allow rain to go through. After that wait a few days and I'm definite that there will be a possum.