Herobrine(minecraft Horror Series)

by minecraft g0d2 in Living > Video Games

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Herobrine(minecraft Horror Series)


i do not own these images i am not mojang

Who Is Herobrine

herobrine is notch's brother,one day i asked notch if he had a brother named herobrine and it took a while but when he replied all i got was"i did,but he is no longer with us".

How to Summon Him

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the only way to summon him is to use gold blocks and make a 3x3 square place netherrack in the middle and surround with redstone torches but not on the corners,surround the gold with a mout(if spelling mistake comment)and fill with lava,finnaly light up the netherrack with fire and he will show.

He Is Watching

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remember herobrine is always watching...waiting...HE...SEES...ALL