Heroes Cell Phone Pouch

Let's make a super hero pouch for your cell phone.
P.S: It was my first time on sewing machine, sorry for violating the rules of sewing I somehow managed to make it ;) :D
Here’s What You’ll Need:

- Two pieces of cloth of equal dimension
- Zipper
- Fabric paint
- Ribbon from old pouch or any key ring.
Draw Hero Icons on Cloth.

Paint It.

Sew It!

- Sew one of the sides of cloths as shown in the picture.
- Now sew it along with zipper.
- Fold the cloth and sew the other side too, as shown in picture 5, 6.
- After sewing both the sides along with zipper, open the zip a bit.
- Now sew the remaining sides, keeping it the way it is shown in image 9, 11.
- All sides are done.
- Now cut the extra zipper from both the sides.
Time to Turn It.

Attach the ribbon from the old pouch or any key ring, and it's done!
Thanks :)