Hex Robo V1 (with Cannon)

by MusaW in Circuits > Robots

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Hex Robo V1 (with Cannon)


Inspire by my previous robot, this time i create Hex Robo for War Game.

Equip with cannon (next on V2) or maybe controlled using joystick (next on V3) i think it will be fun to play with friend.

shooting each other using small cannon plastic ball and do some challenge for win...

In my previous robot, some part is difficult to print and difficult to assembly... so that's why i create this robot which is more easy to print, more easy to assembly and less part.

Using 18 servos or 18DOF with 3 join per leg is flexible enough for a hexabot robot than 12DOF hexabot robot.

i hope u can enjoy building this...

Material : What U Need to Prepare


3D Print Your Robo


u can download my Hex Robo 3D files from thingiverse

usually i print it using PLA or ABS

What u need to print is :

  • 3 pair of Tibia
  • 3 pair of Coxa
  • 3 pain of Femur
  • 1 Main body
  • 1 Top cover
  • 1 Bottom cover

Assembly Your Robo

How to built Hex Robo

just follow video above

After all finish, we can add more motion to the arduino code. I using
RTrobot servo controller to make some movement and after we have the serial command for the servo, we can put it in the code with some code adjustment.

download here

or here @4shared for windows & linux only

PS Very very IMPORTANT :

all RX and TX from and to Wemos and Servo Drivers have to firmly connected, because looping routine always check "OK respond" from the 32 servo drivers. If servo driver not found and there is no "OK" respond, than program will be loop in "void the wait_serial_return_ok()" This mistake will cause : - Cannot connect to the AP - Blank web page - Page loading progress not finish

Connecting the Dot


This is all electronic schematic, basically all servos controlled by
32CH servo controller because it's already have micro controller in it. Just like arduino it's independence and can controlled using serial command from PS2 controller, PC or other device.

Cabling mapping :

  1. 5v power out (+) from UBEC
  2. Ground from UBEC and Mini Stepdown
  3. 5v power out (+) from mini step down
  4. to Wemos D1 mini G pin
  5. to Wemos D1 mini 5v pin
  6. to Wemos D1 mini RX pin
  7. to Wemos D1 mini TX pin
  8. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to right front leg (pin 1 to coxa, pin 2 to femur, pin 3 tibia servo)
  9. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to left front leg (pin 5 to coxa, pin 6 to femur, pin 7 tibia servo)
  10. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to left middle leg (pin 13 to coxa, pin 14 to femur, pin 15 tibia servo)
  11. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to right middle leg (pin 17 to coxa, pin 18 to femur, pin 19 tibia servo)
  12. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to left back leg (pin 25 to coxa, pin 26 to femur, pin 27 tibia servo)
  13. (match the pin color with the servo cable color) to right back leg (pin 29 to coxa, pin 30 to femur, pin 31 tibia servo)

Initial Pose



  1. when u turn on the servo driver, all servo will move to the initial/default position/pose
  2. attach the servo horn as close as possible like figure above or video above
  3. reattach the servo horn and adjust the coca, tibia and femur pose just like the picture abbove
  4. turn off and turn on again to make sure that all leg is in the right position
  5. don't worry if the angle is slightly a bit difference

  6. u still can trim it on the arduino code



Flash your NodeMCU

Download the code Here

The WeMos D1 mini is minimal ESP8266 wifi board
Using wemos D1 mini as WIFI AP we can send serial command to the 32 CH servo controller and independence become Web server AP for controlling the robot. all we need just flash the nodeMCU board with the code attach and we can connect the smartphone to the nodeMCU AP and using web browser open and we can see all the command.

ModeMCU Pin mapping:

  1. to the 32 CH servo controller RX pin
  2. to the 32 CH servo controller TX pin
  3. from 32 CH servo controller G pin
  4. from 32 CH servo controller 5v pin

Check This Hex Robo Demo Video...

Hex Robo (Hexabot Cannon Robo) Cannon Demo

soon i will post the NRF remote control...

wait for it...but until then, just have fun with it...

PS: i just update the cannon module bellow...

Yes... Now It Have Cannon Module on It...

Hexrobo V1 Cannon Build

download the cannon 3D model from : https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3888003

Cannon Cabeling Schema


List of electronic part :

Thing to know:

  • set the DC to DC voltage potensio not to slow and not to vibrate as max as u can (if the wheel always vibrate, please re balancing your wheel)
  • triger servo connect to the PIN 6 of your arduino/nodeMCU and MS90S cannon trigger servo header connect to the PIN 24 of 32ch servo controller
  • If you want to add LED for status indicator, u can connect to the PIN 5 (for LED positive leg) of arduino/nodemcu using 5v LED + resistor on positive leg(can be any value between 100 Ohms and about 10K Ohms) and the negative leg to GND