How to Make Arduino Based Digital Tachometer Simple DIY Tutorial
by Mr innovative in Circuits > Arduino
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How to Make Arduino Based Digital Tachometer Simple DIY Tutorial

Let see how to make Arduino based digital Tachometer.
Working principle :-
IR Sensor get penetrate by motion of motor shaft, signal are transfer from IR Senor module to Arduino.
This signal are processed in Arduino according to code loaded on it.
Then Arduino transfer signals to LCD Screen to display RPM
Material Reuired

1) IR Sensor module :-
2) LCD Screen :-
3) Arduino Nano :-
4) Zero PCB :-
5) Header pins :-
6) 9V Batter
Electrical Circuit

Kindly go through the attached circuit diagram.
IR Sensor Arduino
OUT-----------------2(digital pin no. 2)
16X2 LCD Arduino
VSS------------------ GND
VCC----------------- +5V
VEE------------------ POT
RS-------------------- 12
R/W----------------- GND
E--------------------- 11
DB4------------------ 6
DB5------------------ 5
DB6------------------ 4
DB7---------------- 3
LED+--------------- +5V
LED----------------- GND
to design & buy your custom make PCB

Bring a Zero PCB, Mount female header pin on PCB
Place arduino and LCD Screen on PCB
Make solder connection where it is required,
refer electrical drawing for better understanding.
place IR Senor module on PCB in way that its sensor face toward the
wheel of motor to whom RPM have to measure.
Connect the Arduino with PC to upload code.
Then connect the 9V battery to power up arduino & LCD 16 X 2 screen
you can adjust the brightness of screen by rotating that Knob connected at VEE of LCD Screen
Now you are ready to take RPM reading.
Manually rotate the Wheel of motor you can see RPM Reading are appear on screen
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Arduino Code

Click here to download Arduino code
upload the code to Arduino
Be sure you have selected right Board & port to successfully upload the code