Hogwarts Houses Lamp.

From broken windows to awesome Faux stained Glass Lamp. Yup, the glass shattered that you see after a football ball broke the neighbor windows, yeah that trash that nobody wants to pick up, well I make awesome pieces of art.
In these case I'm going to make a Lamp to my kid's bedroom He is such a Big Fan of Harry Potter .
Materials and Tools.

4 pieces of glass of 15x25 cms.
Glass painting set.
Glass deliner.
Wooden thin board 4cms 100 cms.
Electric cable.
Light bulb
Glass cutter.
Sand paper
Glass cutter.
Measuring tape.
T Ruler.(home made)
Glass Panels.

First of all I washed the broken glasses with water soap and then clean with alcohol. always wearing safety gloves. Wth the helpof a T ruler I cuted 4 pieces of glass of 15x25.Then I smothed with a sand stone the glass edges to prevent hurt my skin. Surfing the web I found some nice designs. I decided to draw my version of Hogwarts Houses Faux glass. I did all the drawing just sketching I didn't print any image. Once I had the four house designs I started to copy in the glass with the glass deliner. Always working form upside left through downside right, keep in mind this tip.I let the deliner dry 24 hours and started to put some color on it.
Wood Base.

This was the dificult pat of the project, cause I just wanted to use what I already had in home, And I just couldn't figure out how to make the Lamp base. It was so easy to found a piece of wood , cut 4 pieces cut the proper angles to give it some height, glue it , perfore in the center the hole where the electric cable comes in. Fix the light Bulb and VOILA ! Let the light do its magic.
Assembling the Lamp.

This was the dificult pat of the project, cause I just wanted to use what I already had in home, And I just couldn't figure out how to make the Lamp base. It was so easy to fond a piece of wood , cut 4 pieces cut the proper angles to give it some height, glue it , perfore in the center the hole where the electric cable comes in.So once the Base was ready I wrap the four pannels with adhesive tape and start to glue with Liquid sylicone, letting dry 24 hours. And finnally but all together over the wood Base. Now I have tha basics and I think to improve it later .

Its really magical all the colors and shapes that the lamps draw in the walls and ceiling, my kid really like it I hope you too.
My family really like the shapes and colors tin the wall it looks like a beautiful rainbow.Let me know how do like it or not.Hope you like it Rated and vote