Homemade Almond Extract

by CyberJaws in Cooking > Canning & Preserving

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Homemade Almond Extract

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Another great cost saving extract recipe. Make one batch and then do it again in a month that way you don't run out. Kept in the right conditions, extracts should last you indefinitely.


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1 cup of vodka or clear rum per 1.25oz of raw, unshelled almonds.


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Put the almonds in a bowl and bring a cup of water to a boil. Pour the boiling water over the almonds and let them sit for about a minute.

Blanching Continued

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Quickly put the almonds in a strainer and run under cold water for a few seconds. After this the skin should be easy to remove.


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Give the almonds a rough chop and then put them in your bottle. Pour your alcohol over the the almonds.


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Store the future extract in an airtight bottle in a cupboard or somewhere out of the way. Shake the bottle daily. In about 1-2 months the almond flavor starts to appear, it gets better with age. After a couple of months you can start using the extract, either by pouring off what you need when you need it or straining the almonds and keeping the extract.