Homemade Toy Wood Lathe

I always liked the idea of turning various stuff on the lathe! Woodturning,metal machinery , I caught myself watching youtube videos for hours and hours, just people on their lathes, turning stuff and having a really good time!
So one day it occured to me.I 'd make a mini wood lathe from scrap ,to see how the ''lathing sport'' would suit me.
And it suits like a glove!
So i went into my "mancave" and figured it out. I used pieces i had laying around and one or two afternoons of my time. But even if one had to buy the pieces to make one, I promise it would be on a really tight budget!
You 'll need:
-some plywood or mdf (the harder the better..)
-a decent DC motor (mine came from an old drill so it should have plenty of power!)
-one or two bearings of your liking and a small shaft to suit the inner diameter(i was originally going to use an old water pump of a piaggio scooter i found laying around but then i found some parts from an old video player that would do just fine!)
-hot glue, wood glue, epoxy
-screws,nuts and bolts
-a drill (along with some drill bits)
-a power supply capable of a decent amount of amps.(3-6 in my case, since i use a dc motor working anywhere from 5V to 12V roughly)
Gathered them???
Ok! Let's see the video of the make of the lathe and the turning of a mini mallet for demonstration purposes. Go easy on me, it was my first attempt to turn something out of wood! It was tons of fun...