Homemade Twix Cookies

These are homemade Twix cookies, made simply from Nilla Wafers, Rolos, and dark chocolate. They taste exactly like the candy bars do. They are very simple to make, yet so delicious.

One box of Nilla Wafers
One bag of Rolos
One bag of Ghirardelli Dark Chocolate Flavored Melting Wafers
Lay Out the Nila Wafers

Preheat Oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit. Get a large sheet pan and cover with parchment paper. Lay out 15 Nilla Wafers with equal spacing.
Add Rolos

Put one Rolo on each Nilla Wafer. Put in oven for 90 seconds to soften the Rolo.
Add Another Nilla Wafer

Remove from oven and add another Nilla Wafer on top. Put the tray into the refrigerator for 20 minutes to let the Rolo harden.
Cover in Chocolate

Melt the bag of chocolate in a microwavable bowl. Melt for 30 second intermissions and stir until it is thoroughly melted. Dip each cookie into the chocolate using a fork. Be sure to knock off excess chocolate before placing back onto baking sheet.

Place cookies back into refrigerator until it is completely hardened.