Homemade Xray Machine

I'd like to Show you my latest project, a homemade xray machine.
But before I start I have to point out, that xrays are really dangerous! To protect my enviroment, I use plenty of lead. So if you handle with xrays be careful and protect everyone...
Some interesting links:
High Voltage Power Supply

To produce xrays using a simple vacuum rectifier tube you'll need a high voltage power supply. I use the popular ZVS-circuit, an AC-flyback transformer and a cascade, to increase the Output-voltage up to 50-60 kV. For the cascade I took 10nF/20kV capacitors and 20kV/5mA diodes. You'll also need a powerful transformer (f.e. a 12V/250VA like mine).
The Xray Tube

You can use several vacuum tubes for producing xrays. In my case I use 2x2a recitier. Of cource you can take real xray tubes f.e. from a dentist too. They are offered on ebay for less than 80 USD.
The Housing

To protect everyone from the xrays you have to put the vacuum tube in a safe housing. My housing is made of Wood with 3 layers of lead at the outside. Only through a small window covered with thin aluminum foil the xrays can go out.
The Photographic Xray Film

To see the xrays you'll need a xray box. Inside there is a xray sensitive foil, which converts the xrays into visible light (f.e. green light). This foil is placed behind the object you want to shine through.
The Whole Setup and the First Test

As you can see in the circuit, the xray tube is connected to the high voltage. To Limit the current, there should be a 2.2 MOhm resistor (10 W/40kV-type). The Output voltage is being measured with an ammeter and a 1 GOhm resistor. Therefore 1 µA corresponds to 1 kV. The current through the vacuum tube can be read from a 5mA ammeter.
To get the pictures a camera is located behind the xray-foil. I use the 10s-self-timer and 30" exposure. In the mean time I run out of the room and switch on the power with my remote control. Within the 30 seconds I switch on and off 3-4 times to prevent overheating of the vacuum tube and arcs.
The Results

Maybe you want to take a look at my YouTube-channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/stopperl16/videos
more physics projects: https://stoppi-homemade-physics.de/
Thank's for watching and stay curious ;-)