Horror Dogs

by dreamberry in Living > Halloween

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Horror Dogs

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Horror dogs, people dogs, hot people, soylent green, call them what you want, they're fun.

Slice hot dogs in a manner that when boiled, they look like peoples.

You will need:
hot dogs (any kind will do)
a knife (kids ask your parents!)
boiling water (it's hot!)

Operation Slice

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Begin by slicing the hot dogs as shown. (diagram provided) It's fun to make them

talk/cry/scream from this point on. If they offer you a wish, not to eat them, don't fall for it. I

fell for it the last time. Never again.  

Try One First

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Drop the lil' guy in the hot, hot water. As they cook, the little legs and arms begin to

spread out. They will float up to the top when they're done. Use tongs to fish 'em out, out

lift out carefully with a spoon.  

Total Dogicide

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More is better applies here. Looks pretty scary to me. No Titanic jokes please.

After the Crash / Triage

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Here are all the "bodies" we pulled out of the water. Also an octopus and a tree. (made in

a like manner, I encourage experimentation)

Serving Suggestions

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Cut off an arm or leg and blot the stump with ketchup "blood". We can see that a crowd

has gathered, with the help of a couple toothpicks place strategically up the legs of two

"onlookers". Have fun!  Pick one up ,alive and shaking, place on bun still quivering, and bite head off. Show your sister that it is dead now. See, it's not moving?