How I Fixed a Broken Vase.

Years ago, I bought a broken Capodimonte porcelain vase at a used shop. Gorgeous old vase with bunches of large raised flowers on it. It had a huge crack in the side and was missing pieces, but not beyond saving.
Capodimonte vases are handmade and hand painted, so each one is original. After fixing my vase, I searched Google images for a picture to show as a reference.

-Air-Hardening Modeling Clay
-All purpose super glue
-Bamboo skewer
-Chalk paint
Base Coat

I really liked the original colors of the vase, but wanted to create a textured look to display faux flowers in the corner of a room.
First, I painted the vase in Annie Sloan graphite colored chalk paint. Chalk paint is perfect for a project like this, because you can skip the primer.
Modeling Clay and Glue

Next, I used air-hardening modeling clay to match the missing pieces. Looking back, I wish I added more flowers and leaves...I just might do so in the future. The second flower stem wasn't on the original design, but I added it for balance.
When the clay pieces dried, I super glued them on.
Finish Coat and Display

I painted the vase again in Annie Sloan Aubusson Blue. I wanted a brighter blue to display in front of the navy blue board and batten wall.
Modeling clay dries rock hard and depending on the super glue you use, they typical hold up to 15 pounds.
So that's how I fixed a broken old vase. I love how it turned out!