How To: DIY Mirror Background in Aquarium/ Terrarium/ Paludarium

by DianaMSwe in Workshop > Repair

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How To: DIY Mirror Background in Aquarium/ Terrarium/ Paludarium

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Hi there!

Do you already own an aquarium/ terrarium/ paludarium but there's a crack in the glass? And you don't know how to fix it? Or maybe you just found one at your local thrift store but it's broken? Or do you just want to learn more?

Then this DIY is for you! I came across a used aquarium on facebook marketplace from someone who sold it for very cheap because of the cracks. But it didn't look so good, so I had to come up with an idea on how to fix it. Instead of trying to cover it with a faux background or plants etc I choose a mirror.

My vision is that this will make the aquarium look bigger and brighter , as well ass giving it a more full look once I place my plants in there.


You will need the following supplies:

(* Aquarium / terrarium / paludarium. Or any glass container that is suitable.)

* Mirror glass (with exact measurements to fit inside the container)

* Aquarium silicone. I used this one.

* Caulking gun. I used this.

* Denatured alcohol. I choose this one.

* Microfibre cleaning cloth, like these ones.

Prepar the Glass + Mirror

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First of all you need to start with cleaning the glass container and the mirror glass. The crack was a bit unstable so I chose to fix it with regular silicone first for safety reasons.

Use a clean microfiber cloth and denatured alcohol to clean everything once the silicone has cured. Be sure not to touch the glass after you cleaned it, because the grease on your fingers will make it harder for the aquarium silicone to stick probably. Put the mirror glass inside the aquarium and place it thighly in front of the intended wall. NOTE! Do not breath in the gasses from the alcohol, and always be in a well ventilated area when using it.

Attach the Mirror Glass

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1. Start with placing the aquarium silicone it into the caulk gun.

2. Put the mirror glass inside the aquarium and place it thighly in front of the intended wall.

Before using the silicone on the mirror glass I would recommed you to try it out beforehand so you get a feeling of how much you should press and when to stop.

3. Rest the tip of the silicone tube against the edge of the mirror glass. Gently drag the tip along the side of the glass and try to have a even pace and pressure in the gun.

4. With the tip of your finger gently stroke the silicone as shown in the video.

The aquarium silicone I used is food safe, which means it's safe to get on your hands. If you can't get food safe classified aquarium silicone i recommed using gloves for your own protection.

Cure the Aquarium Silicone

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Last but not least. When all the edges are sealed you need to wait a couple of days before touching it or put things into the glass container. The time depends on which type of silicone you use, but it should be listed in the directions for use. If you are unsure consult your local hardware store. It's usually between 1 to 10 days.

Then you are DONE! If you had an ugly crack it's gone and the aquarium looks brand new. I'm going to turn this aquarium into a terrarium, so look out for my next instructable if you want to know how to proceed with landscaping your terrarium.

Hope you enjoyed this short tutorial, just leave a comment if you have any questions!