How to 3d Print Plankton

what I made was plankton from the television show spongebob squarepants on tinker cad. I made this because I got bored one day
- 3d printer
- tinkercad
- computer
Creating Body Shape

drag a cylinder and stack two semicircles on top and bottom

drag cones and strech them long ways and and them to the bottom and sides of the body.

add an oval and turn to a hole. You want to drag it into the body then select the object and group it by doing ctrl+g. add a oval for tongue, and two rectangles for teeth.

use the draw tool to make two curved u's then add rectangles allong the U to make the pricks

take a place a vertical oval infront of a horizonal oval to make the eye then add a spere for the pupil. Finnaly use the draw tool again to make a U for the eyebrow.