How to Booby Trap a Water Bottle!!!!!

by Nextraker in Living > Pranks, Tricks, & Humor

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How to Booby Trap a Water Bottle!!!!!

Water Bottle Pic.bmp
Im about to show you how easily you can booby trap a water bottle! This prank is great for April Fools Day, or for any other funny occasion. You can pretty much get anyone who drinks water and leave them wet from top to bottom. Check it out Its FUN!!!!


2 water bottles 1.bmp
You will need the following items.

  • 2 water bottles ( same shape and size) type that have lines and bumps
  • grease (petroleum jelly/vaseline)
  • Cutting Utensil (blade/scissors)
  • Lighter
  • Hot Glue/ Super Glue

Splitting the Bottles!!!!

Put Label ON.bmp
Remove Label.bmp
Cut around 1.bmp
Cut Top Half.bmp
Top half.bmp
Cut 2.bmp
Bottom Half.bmp
  • Remove the labels from each bottle, save one label because you will need it for later.
  • Open the bottles and empty them out, if they are both empty skip this step.
  • Grab one bottle and Half way down below the neck begin to cut around the line, till you have successfully split the bottle in two. You will need the Top Half.
  • On the other bottle cut around the third line down, ( you will need the bottom Half)
The reason why you need to get these two pieces from 2 different bottle is so the bottle wont appear smaller.

Setting Up the Prank!!!

Grease Bottom.bmp
Connecting Bottles.bmp
Bottle Connected 2.bmp
  • Place the top half under a lit lighter, this will help shrink the edges inward, this will allow the top half to fit into the bottom half.
  • With you finger Grease up the inside edges on the bottom half and the outside edges of the top.
*Grab both ends and push them against each other till they lock together.
One way to know for sure, is by blowing inside the bottle, if you dont feel air coming out of the sides
Of the bottle, the its set.

Finishing Up!!!

Remove Label.bmp
Glue Cap.bmp
Water Bottle Pic.bmp
*Fill the bottle with water

  • Apply some hot glue inside the cap, and twist it back on the bottle.
( this will make it impossible for the bottle to open)

  • Place the label back on the bottle ( this will hide the cuts you made)

Prank Time!!!

Opened Bottle.bmp
Opened Bottle 3.bmp
Opened Bottle 5.bmp
Breaking Bottle.bmp
Breaking Bottle 1.bmp
Breaking Bottle 2.bmp
This is how the prank works....

When your victim tries to open the bottle, he/she will not be able to, because the cap will be sealed shut with the glue you applied on it.

Humans are Stubborn, so your victim will use all his/her strength to open the bottle, all that constant pulling and and twisting will cause the bottle to break in two. Spilling the water all over them. Leaving them Wet from Top to Bottom.

( if you used hot glue, the cap will come off, since hot glue stops working when it gets wet. so the booby trapped Water Bottle is Re-Usable).... Go ahead Have some fun........

You can Also win bets, just bet one of your friends that you can break the bottle in half..... and you just made 5 bucks....

Watch the Instructional video, for a better look at the results!!!
