How to Draw Chill Guy

I really like Chill Guy because he's a Chill guy so let's draw Chill Guy
- A pencil
- Paper
Circle Time!

Step one, draw a circle, a good sized one.
Starting the Nose

Next step is to start on the right side of the circle and elongate it a bit, the elongate over the top to start making his nose.
Nose Time!

Now we start the nose, take the elongated line and at the end, its a bit of a curve that goes in, then another curve on the inside which we'll color black later.

So now it's time for the ears! you'll be drawing these two slim oval type shapes on the curve of his head. the one farthest right ear has a little curve line. Then from his nose there's another little curve down, then a very small line which will connect to his body.
Collar Time!

Now we'll draw his little collar, which is two curved lines basically, both that get wider in the middle and narrow at the ends. They both stem from the small line from earlier and the right side of his head. Then add small little lines in the middle, I added 8 but you can add how little or less as you want.

So, this is a lot but I'll walk you through it! for the left arm you'll draw a slightly big curve, then a slightly curved line that's almost the same length. Then on the right side you'll draw a bit of a wider curve that comes out a bit, then the same type of line you did on the left. On the bottom, draw a curved line to connect the inner lines, and repeat what was done to create the collar.
Legs and Shoes!

Leg time! His lower half is pretty simple. Draw two lines on both sides of where his arms end. Make sure the lines are even, then at the end draw curved lines on each leg. In the middle, under the end of his shirt draw a sort of zig-zag, then a straight line at the end of it. After that draw a line at the end of the previously drawn curves, once done add a attaching curve at the bottom, this is the same on each leg. Next is the shoes, the left shoe you'll wanna draw a curve, then another downward curve, then a bit of an angled line. atop of the angled line draw a symmetrical line. It's the same on the other foot just the lines are a bit more angled. Follow the image as seen.

Add the details as shown!
Eyes, Mouth and Final Details

First off, color in the nose black. Then start on the mouth, it's just a bit of a long curve, with a small curve on the right side of it and a small curve on the bottom of the mouth. For the eyes, draw a curve for the top, then a black circle for the pupil. repeat for the left, add details as you please. I only sketch but you can color if you desire!