How to Draw a Fish

Today we will learn how to draw a fish in a step by step approach using simple explanations.

All we need is a blank paper, a pencil, an eraser, and a ruler.

First we want to draw a plus sign on the paper which will help us with orientation when we draw.

We will add an oval shape in the center of the plus sign and a rectangle at the edge of it as shown below.
This part represents the fish’s body.

We will now add a triangle at the front of the oval shape as the face of our fish and another triangle surrounding the rectangle to represent the fish’s tail.

In this step we will outline the outer shape that we created using the guidelines we made in the earlier steps.
It is easier to think about drawing the mouth as a backward 3 shape.
Notice how the edge of the tail is drawn with a wavy line curving towards the center.

In this step we will add the gills of the fish, the fins and its eye.
For the dorsal fin use a wavy line and the other fins on the bottom should resemble a V shape.

Erase all the guide lines from previous steps

Add details in the fins and tail with wavy lines inside of them

Detail the body by drawing scales. To draw scales, draw small U shapes inside the fish’s body.
That’s it! You have made it, you have drawn an amazing fish just like that. Good Job!
p.s. if you want to this is the place where you can also color the fish.