How to Draw an Eye
Are you having trouble drawing an eye, here you can find how to draw an eye.

Paper, eraser, pencils HB, 2B, 4B, or even 6B, and a ruler you'll need a blending stick or can just use a piece of tissue paper.

Get a piece of paper and lay it down on a flat surface, then get all the materials you need and lay it down next to the paper.

Draw a small horizontal line on the middle of your paper and draw light with the HB. Use your ruler while in the process.

Draw two half ovals on the bottom and the top, next shape it into an eye shape with depth like an eye would look like.

Draw the circle into the middle of your eye, overlapping the eye lid on top, then draw a dot in the middle of your circle and then draw a small circle around it, filling the small circle in the center.

Erase the line and the top of the circle that is overlapping the eyelid.

Draw a line about half an inch above the eye, with dept on the ends of the line. Start to draw the eyebrow by creating an outlined base of an eyebrow.

Draw a circle/square shape above the pupil inside the eye to give it a highlight.

- Start shading different times within the eye to make it more realistic by giving a shadow. To shade it darker, use a 2B or 4B. Darken the pencil with a 4B, then darken it around the circle of the eye.
- Go from dark to light depending on which way you want your eye to be. If it's in light it will be lighter, if in the dark it will be darker.
- Shade over and smooth it out with a blending stick or a piece of tissue paper. Keep doing these processes over and over and you'll have your eyes, but make sure to keep the eyes white with no touch of lead. If it has been touched, you can erase it.

Add the eyelashes and then your done you're if you don't know how to, do the eyelashes, then draw one curved on the right side and the left pointing in different directions, and point one at the top of the eyelid and start from there.
I hope you enjoyed learning how to draw an eye.