How to Grow Dinosaurs at Home???
To Grow a Dinosaurs at Home You Need!

In this instructables I show you how to grow dinosaurs at home | Amazing Diy Experiments.
These Dinosaurs Polymers Grow in Water to a Huge Size Compared to Where They Start Off From.

Keep these frowing Growing creatures in water for a few days and watch the polymers abosorb the water and grow.
First Day!

The polymer is similar to the non-toxic chemical used in baby diapers. Don't overlook the educational value of these inexpensive toys.
Second Day!

This science experiment Growing you can do at home with kids, friends, brothers, sisters... Today's instructables is so much fun because we will do easy Growing Creatures!
The Third Day!

I Like to Make Various Experiments.

I hope you all love the video! Thank you so much for watching!