How to Make a Concrete Pyramid "GIZA"
by Hassan Nasser in Workshop > Molds & Casting
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How to Make a Concrete Pyramid "GIZA"

The first time I started building and molding with cement was at 13, first I make some mini cement bricks and then many ideas and builds come to my mind, I had built some of them like an old well and a small building.
Today, I decided to build a pyramid made out of cement that I call it Concrete Pyramid "GIZA", we all know the pyramids of Giza how amazing they look, in addition to the complexity of there building and the secrets behind them.
Before I build this pyramid I take inspiration from the Egyptian pyramids that I love, and the most famous Egyptian pyramids are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. I'm interested in ancient civilizations such as the Egyptian one especially the pyramids.
Several of the Giza pyramids are counted among the largest structures ever built The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence!
In this instructable, I'll show you how to make the Concrete Pyramid "GIZA" by using simple materials and supplies, also I'll show you some tricks to do in this domain and how to build this pyramid properly in my own way.
- paint brushcement(ordinary portland cement )or you can buy from any shop that sells cement near you.
- sand
- water
- container
- plastic flat tray with 3cm edges
- 2mm iron rods( iron rods) any kind of metal it doesn't matter
- smooth wooden sticks( smooth wooden sticks)
- mini cement bricks
- flexible shaft( flexible shaft) with drill
- Soft Pastel( soft pastel)
- brush ( paint brush)
- White glue ( white glue)
- mini sand screener
The Complexity and Geometry of the Pyramid

•In geometry, a pyramid is a polyhedron formed by connecting a polygonal base and a point, called the apex, each base edge and apex form a triangle called a lateral face. It is a conic solid with a polygonal base.
•The pyramid is a structure whose outer surfaces are triangular and converge to a single step at the top, making the shape roughly a pyramid in the geometric sense. The square pyramid, with a square base and four triangular outer surfaces, is a common version.
•A pyramid's design, with the majority of the weight closer to the ground, and with the pyramidion on top, means that less material higher up on the pyramid will be pushing down from above. This distribution of weight allowed early civilizations to create stable monumental structures. The most famous pyramids are the Egyptian huge structures built of brick or stone, some of which are among the world's largest constructions. They are shaped as a reference to the rays of the sun.
How to Make Mini Cement Bricks and Preparation of Cement

View the instructable: How to make mini cement bricks
- here: How to make mini cement bricks
- This instructable shows you the different steps of molding mini cement bricks and how to prepare the cement mixture.
Preparing the Base

•Start by preparing the cement mixture, where you have to add 1cup and half of cement and sand each, then mix the two powders together till they become mixed well and that when it becomes one color.
•Add water and start stirring slowly till it becomes fluid and make sure that the cement is ready to use and if not like it is so liquid try to add some sand or cement to strengthen it.
•Discharge the mixture in a rectangular plastic tray or you can discharge it to a rectangular wooden mold using some wood.
•Spread the cement mixture all over the tray to the corners.
•NOTE: to get rid of bubbles you have to agitate the tray and stir the cement using a wooden stick.
Netting and Smoothing

•Cut 3 or 4 iron rods of 2mm diameter and length 27cm and cut 3or 4 of length 17cm, depends on the tray that you're using.
•Place the iron rods over the cement by crossing them together to form a net.
•NOTE: This step is quite important for the stability of the base or this concrete plate since it makes it strong by connecting all the parts of the concrete plate, it's important also since it distributes the weight equally all over its surface and that makes it less vulnerable.
Nucleus of the Pyramid

•In this part, use a circular cement brick and a small pyramidal one that I had made to form the nucleus
•First, stick the two shapes together by using cement, then pour cement over the nucleus.
•The base of the pyramid begins from the nucleus that you gonna build on, so it should have a pyramidal shape.
Forming and Smoothing

•Add the cement mixture over the nucleus to form a mass from cement.
•Make sure to add enough cement (2000mg) for the pyramid that its height would be about 14cm and with width 10cm as I build it, you may build it the size you prefer here I mention the size of mine.
•Form the pyramidal shape with the cement using a wooden stick, then smooth the pyramid and try to make all the sides with equal dimensions.
•When you form the base of the pyramid make sure to keep space for the building process with bricks.
•While smoothing you should dip in water the smoothing tool like the wooden stick, this will help you smooth cement in an easy way.
Construction of the Pyramid

•Construction of the pyramid is the most important process in the project, where you have to be patient and precise in your work since this process determines the final shape of your pyramid.
•After you mold the mini cement bricks and smooth the base, now you have to cut four flat wooden sticks with a length equals to the width of the pyramid.
•You can build your pyramid in an increasing way from the bottom to the top or by building each side separately, in my instructable I preferred to build each side separately ( both of them good, so choose what you prefer)
•Now place the wooden stick in the bottom of the pyramid of the first side, then add some cement over the wooden stick and start to line the bricks together by putting cement between each one.
- Make the base of the bricks strong, then go up with the wall till you reach the top of the pyramid.
Complete the Other Sides

•Complete the other sides of the pyramids in the same way as the first side.
•While building the other sides make sure to add a junction between each side by using cement to ensure the connectivity of the sides together and that will make the building stronger.
Cleaning and Removing Additions

•After the building process, you have to remove the wooden sticks you have added at the bottom of the pyramid.
•Remove the additional cement on the pyramid and make sure to keep the bricks shown to be able to dry it.
•Clean all the mess of the cement around the pyramid and over it to have a clean work after drying.

•The drying stage is when your cement pyramid transforms from liquid cement to the solid cement, it is a very important stage where it can take about 24 to 48 hours to dry completely.
•Be careful by transferring the pyramid slowly to prevent its destruction.

•Now you have finished 50% of the pyramid, there still some easy steps and you'll finish.
•It's the time of carving, this step is interesting where you will learn a new skill.
•In this step you will use a set of different bits, the first bit is the bit with big grinding head.
•After the drying stage, the pyramid should be engraved by a soft bit to remove the dried cement on the bricks.
•while carving you have to follow the cement line between the bricks and engrave the additional cement on this line to the stage of the bricks.
Mark the Edges

•The second bit you will use is the mini rotary cutting disc for stones.
•At this stage, you will engrave very well the cement lines between the bricks of the pyramid till it becomes shiny.
•NOTE: while engraving, spray some water on the pyramid, that will help you engrave easily.
Final Touch of Carving and Marking

•The final touch of carving and marking is by drilling and engraving all the angles of each brick and polishing it.
•Now you should engrave the joint of each two sides of the pyramid, then try to level the pyramids by making each level of bricks different slightly in width than the other but this last one is not necessary.
Dust Cleaning

•After the carving process, you should clean the pyramid from the dust and the mess come out and this is quite important for the coloring of the pyramid.
•Spray some water over the pyramid and keep it dry before coloring it.
Choose Your Painting Style

•Choosing your painting style is quite important for the final view of the pyramid, in this step I prefer Pastel painting and precisely Soft Pastel.
•I choose this paint since it is characterized by its dryness, and this pyramid should look like it's in a desert the same as the GIZA's pyramids, so the soft pastels were perfect to make the pyramid look old and dry.
•You can choose any other painting style but it should be suitable with the climate of the pyramid.
•At this stage, you will use a set of colors mixed together to obtain the perfect color of the pyramid.
The colors that I used at this stage are:
•183 lichter ocker light yellow ochre
•101 weiss white
•zimtbraun cinamon
Coloring With 183 Lichter Ocker Light Yellow Ochre

•First before start coloring your pyramid make sure that it is clean.
•Start by the first color 183 lichter ocker light yellow ochre by painting each brick completely.
•Brush all the bricks and the lines between them.
•NOTE: you can use a similar dark yellow color.
Coloring With 101 Weiss White and Zimtbraun Cinamon

•Now use 101 weiss white to paint the center of most of the bricks and not the whole brick.
•Use zimtbraun cinamon to mark the edges of each brick.
•Then use a brush to mix all the colors together and you will get up with the perfect color.
•If you use an excess of white and brown colors you should add over them the previous dark yellow color to fix the view.
•You can use similar brown and white colors.
Continue Coloring

•Continue coloring the other sides with the same criteria.
NOTE: If you love the cement color of the pyramid you can skip this step.
Coloring Cement Blocks for the Edges

•Mold these blocks using mini plastic plant vase where it turned great for the edges of the project.
•Color these blocks with the same colors used above.

•When the concrete block is ready to use, try to locate the pyramid and the cement block edges in the center of the plane.

•Add cement to the bottom of the pyramid and fix it in the center of the plane.
•Fix the blocks on the edges in the same way.

•To give it the view of the desert I decided to glue sand to the concrete plane,
•Using a strong white glue brush the whole concrete plane and make it snowy.
Splash Sand

•Use a sand screener fall sand all over the glue by splashing it.
•This step makes the ground completely covered with sand and this makes it look real.
Enjoy the View

•Enjoy the amazing view of the Concrete Pyramid "GIZA"