How to Make Photo Frames

You can make photo frame at home. To make this picture frame you will need following Material:-
Cardboard, Stones, Walnut Shells, Glue, Glue Gun, Masking Tape and Acrylic Paint.
Basic Structure
Take two pieces (10” x 10” inch) of cardboard. Draw the 2" (inch) border on the one piece of cardboard and cut out the middle piece. Now take one piece (1.5" x 10") and two pieces (1.5" x 8.5") of cardboard. Paste these three pieces on the main cardboard. Now paste border piece on main cardboard. Make a triangle or tie shape with cardboard.
Usage of Masking Tape for Texture
Cover the picture frame with masking tape. Use long masking tape for borders and small masking tape for back. Due to beautiful texture will be appeared from the small piece of tape, when we will color the picture frame.
Colored the Frame and Paste Stones
Now, color the picture frame with Acrylic Paint. Use blue, green and brown color. Let it dry. Now, paste stone on blue frame and walnut shells on brown frame. Use glue gun for pasting. Now paste triangle and tie shape back side of frame. Finally, our picture frame is ready to use.