How to Make a Cardboard Boat

by Tomomi in Craft > Cardboard

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How to Make a Cardboard Boat


The purpose of these Instructables is to guide people on what they can do when they are trapped in their home with a flash flood and have to escape from there. This instruction included clear steps and graphics.

To make this boat float, design and science haded to work together. For the design, I haded to think about the design of a boat. The design of a boat is actually very important because look also matters a lot. Also, the boat shouldn't be that big, because it weighs more. For science, I had to think about buoyancy. For this boat, I used pet bottles to make it float.

This boat can hold up to two adults.



These are the supplies you need for building a cardboard boat:

  • 6 empty 2L pet bottles (with a cap on)
  • Box cutter
  • Cling wrap
  • Measuring tape
  • Pencil / Pen
  • Duct tape
  • Card boards
  • 2 broom



Make sure you do this in an open space. Keep pets and little kids out of the way. Be careful with box cutters. You may cut your finger.

Splitting the Box



  • Cardboard box
  • Box cutter

Get a cardboard box, and make it flat by cutting the side of the box, with a box cutter. You will be able to make 6 or 7 flat cardboard with a single box. Repeat that process for the other 4 boxes. We'll use those pieces for making a bigger board.

Making a Board #1



  • Cardboard box
  • Duct tape
  • Measuring tape

Using the piece we made in step 2, we'll next make a board that belongs to the bottom part of the boat. By using the board, make a rectangle that is 1mx1.5m. Use a box cutter to arrange the shape, and use duct tape to connect it together. Use a measuring tape to check the length and width. Make it as accurate as possible, because it will help you later. Repeat this process twice. Make 2 boards that have 1m on the side and 1.5m on another.

Making a Board #1 (part 2)



  • Duct tape

After making a 2 board, connect them in layers. Use duct tape and cover the 2 boards like a bandage. This board is going to be a bottom part of a boat. Make sure you secure it, and strong.

Making a Board #2

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  • Cardboard box
  • Box cutter
  • Duct tape
  • Ruler/Measuring tape

When that's done, you do a similar thing that you did on step 3. But, next, you have to make a rectangle that is 1mx0.6m. As in step 3, make it by using the boards. You repeat this process twice. When you got the 2 boards, place them in layers and connect them with duct tape.

Making a Board #3

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  • Duct tape
  • Box cutter
  • Ruler/measuring tape

After that, make a board that is 1.5mx0.6m. By using the cardboard, use duct tape to connect them, and use a box cutter to adjust it. but not like last time, this time, make four of them. The reason is that this part will be the side of the boat, and there will be two sides in a boat. After making four of them, make two boards of two layers.

Don't worry there won't be any more RECTANGLES to make

Making a Board #4



  • Cardboard box
  • Box cutter
  • Duct tape
  • Ruler/measuring tape

For the last piece of the board, make the shape that is on the image. try to arrange the shapes by using box cutters. As before, connect them with duct tape, and make 2 of them. This board will be the bow of the boat.

Don't make a whole shape with a single board. The dotted lines are the place we are folding later, so fold along the line to fold a crease.

Connecting the Pieces



  • Cardboard box
  • Duct tape

When all the boards/pieces are made, place them like a picture above, and then make sure all the measurements are accurate. After checking them, used duct tape to connect between the boards. Make sure there aren't any holes between them. Tape it in layers to make it strong. Tape both sides of the board to make it thicker, and more stable so that it doesn't fall apart while riding on it.

Connecting the Pieces #2



  • Cardboard box
  • Duct tape

After taping the pieces, we will connect another part to make the boat 3d. First, fold the board up, and tape from the front, and also back so that it won't fall apart while riding it. Stick the tape in parallel to the board. It makes the boat stronger.

When that's done, It will look like this.

Pet Bottles



  • 6 empty 2L pet bottles
  • Duct tape

Next, get 6 empty 2L pet bottles with the cap on, and stick them to the place that has a mark on them. Use duct tape and stick strongly. Make sure you also do it on the other side too! An empty bottle helps the buoyancy. The bigger the pet bottle is better.

Cling Wrap



  • Cling wrap
  • Duct tape

When pot bottles are done, get a cling wrap and cover the boat. First, cover the sides. Use duct tape to secure the cling wrap. After doing the sides, do the bottom. The bottom part is most important, so try to use a lot of cling wrap and cover in layers. It makes it waterproof and prevents the cardboard to get soggy.

When that's done, the boat is finished!




  • 2 brooms

Get 2 brooms and use them for oars!