How to Make a Cardboard Boat in Case of a Flash Flood.

by Minnnnnn12234 in Craft > Cardboard

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How to Make a Cardboard Boat in Case of a Flash Flood.

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Explaining my project: This Instructable is a how to guide in making a cardboard boat: This cardboard boat is made out of cardboard because we can easily find it at home. The design of the boat is simple so people age 10 and above can make it.


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For this, build/craft you are going to need the following supplies and tools. These supplies and tools will be needed throughout the steps.


  • Scissor
  • Ruler


  • 20 cardboard
  • 5 plastic wrap (Just try to get the biggest, it needs to be bigger and longer than your boat)
  • 18 pet bottle 500ml
  • 10 toilet paper core
  • 2 duct tape
  • Maybe (YOUR CHOICE) Double-sided tape

Sticking the Cardboards

Equipment and materials you need:

  • Cardboard
  • scissor
  • duct tape
  • Maybe double-sided tape

For this step, you'll be cutting and sticking cardboard. Your cardboard will soon be able to float on water.

IMPORTANT: Be careful when cutting your cardboard because some cardboard is too stiff so it may take time to cut it, and in the procedure, you have a chance of cutting your finger.

Firstly, get 3 cardboard, cut 1 of them into a triangle for the bottom of the triangular prism. Make sure when you tape it has no hole. Secondly, get 4 cardboards and cut 1 of them in 3/4. Stick the 4 cardboards together and you will have the main body of the boat. Lastly, stick the almost triangular prism and almost rectangular prism. When taping it tape the insides for safety purposes.

Sticking the Plastic Bottles to the Boat

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Equipment and materials you need:

  • Tape
  • Pet bottle
  • the boat

Firstly get all the materials you need- Tape, pet bottle and the boat. Secondly, get the pet bottles placed/align them side to side and tape them. Lastly, tape the boat because the pet bottles will fall if you don't tape them tightly.

Wrap the Boat in Plastic

Equipment and materials you need:

  • Tape
  • plastic wrap
  • and the boat

Firstly get all the materials you need- Tape, plastic wrap and the boat. Secondly, get the boat and seal it with plastic wrap, be careful not to wrap the top of the boat because you won't be able to sit on the boat. Lastly, tape the boat to be more secure.

Making the Oars

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Equipment and materials you need:

  • Tape
  • paper roll core
  • cardboard

Firstly get all the materials you need to make the oars- Tape, paper roll core, and cardboard. Secondly, get 10 paper roll cores and use 10 to make 2 paper roll core sticks. Secondly cut cardboard into a smaller piece and put it on top of the stick. Lastly, tape the oars 2 times because the cardboard might detach under water.

Helpful Tips

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  • When riding the boat ride it from the side because the centre of gravity is in the middle.
  • when sticking the boat use a lot of tapes because when you use little tape it will be bad.