How to Make a Chevron Friendship Bracelet

by JB1 in Craft > Jewelry

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How to Make a Chevron Friendship Bracelet

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Making friendship bracelets is a fun craft that you can do anytime and anywhere. You can create it for yourself and your friends. Friendship bracelets are also a very sentimental gift that you can give to your friends because it will always remind them of you and it will show them that you care. So this instructable will teach you how to create a chevron pattern friendship bracelet on a beginner level.

Gather Supplies


The first step is to collect all the supplies that are needed to create the chevron friendship bracelet. The supplies needed are:

  • 4 different coloured cotton thread (each thread needs to be at least 100 inches long)
  • A pair of scissors
  • A roll of clear tape (any size)
  • Measuring tape (any length but 12 foot is a good length)

Measuring Thread and Cutting It


The second step is to measure 50 inches of each thread and then cut it. In the end you should have 4 different coloured 50 inches threads which will be used to create the bracelet.

Line Up Threads and Fold Them


Next to start the bracelet you need to line up all four different threads and then fold them in half from the middle.

Make a Knot


After folding the threads in half one end will be like a loop. You need to tie a knot on that side. To tie a knot, wrap the string around your finger then loop it through the hole then pull. Once you have tied a knot you should have a loop at the top of your bracelet.

Secure Strings


To secure the strings in place you need to take a piece of tape and then use it to secure the loop onto a flat surface. Taping the strings onto a flat surface will make it stay in place and it will make it easier to create the bracelet.

Separate and Arrange Threads


After taping the bracelet you need to separate the threads into two sets in each set there needs to be one of each colour. Afterwards you need to arrange the threads into a mirror image pattern. So the two outside strands are the same colour, then the same with the other strands.

Do a Forward Knot


The chevron friendship bracelet has a pattern that looks like a V. To create that pattern you do forward knots with the left set and backward knots with the right set. Since we are using 4 colours we will have four rows of the 4 colours before the pattern repeats again.

To do a forward knot you take the outermost strand on the left and create a four shape over the second strand. Then you need to loop the working strand under the second strand and then you need to pull. You need to do two forward knots per strand.

You do two forward knots per strand until the working strand reaches the middle. Once it does leave it there.

Do a Backward Knot


After the left working strand reaches the middle you leave it and start doing backward knots. To do a backward knot you take the outermost strand on the right and then do a reverse 4 over the second strand on the right. Afterwards you loop the working strand under the second strand and you pull.

You need to do two backward knots per strand until the working strand reaches the middle.

Finish Row


To finish the row you take the right working strand and do backward knots. So again a reverse four over the left working strand then you loop the right working strand under the left working strand and pull. Make sure to do 2 backward knots. So that's how you can finish a row.

Repeat Steps 7 to 9


Now repeat step 7 to 9 so forward and backward knots until the bracelet is the length you want. So the length of your wrist or the length of the person's wrist you are giving it to. To measure your wrist you can wrap a measuring tape around it and the number where the tape overlaps is your wrist size. Then you can use the measuring tape to check the length you want your bracelet to be.

Tie a Knot


Lastly, after the bracelet is the length you want you can tie a knot in the end to finish your bracelet. To tie a knot you can wrap the string around your finger then you can loop it through the hole and then pull.

Cut Excess String


After tying the bracelet you will likely have excess string. You can then cut that excess string. The length of the string you leave depends on your preferences.

And that's how you can create a chevron friendship bracelet. You can also try it out with different colours. Furthermore, there is a video tutorial you can watch if you need further help or explanations.


Chevron Friendship Bracelet Tutorial