How to Make a Dali Style Melting Clock

by fungus amungus in Circuits > Clocks

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How to Make a Dali Style Melting Clock

I don't listen to any of my old records, but I really like to have them around. Luckily enough, so do my friends. Another point we have in common is an appreciation of knowing what time it is. I've been messing around with records and have solved my dilemmas of where to where to put my apples and candles, but I can always use another clock.

Thanks to my local thrift store and IKEA I can make a unique clock for less than $5. It's an easy and fun present that can be torn apart for any future clock simply by ripping the mechanism out again.

Find a Record

Gazing into Barry's eyes transports me to a golden past that I never experienced the first time around, but now feel as if it's my own. But as I will ever treasure this 12 by 12 inch slice of heaven from the 70s the true goal in finding a record is one where the small label in the middle of the record is what matters.

Another key thing to look for is a cheap and floppy slab of black PVC when digging through the thrift store. These will soften faster and be easier to work with.

Toss It in the Oven

Preheat your oven to 220F/100C and toss in the record for a couple minutes. When it's thoroughly flopping about, yank it out and run to a table to do the next step.

Run! It hardens quickly!


Find a nice and level table with a straight edge and hang the record over the side of it. Make sure the label is aligned to your supreme satisfaction and flatten out the record on the tabletop. You can try to shape the hanging vinyl, but I've found that the random curves that form on their own are typically fantastic and do a lovely job of reflecting the light.

If you mess this up, throw it back in the oven. This picture is the result of about six tries.

Dismantle a Clock

If you're lucky enough to live near an IKEA and can shop there during a weekday, then you can get a Rusch clock for $3. You can easily open it up to get the clock movement and hands out of it. Just be sure to ditch the second hand. It makes far too much noise to merit being included. Use it as a toothpick instead.

You can also go to Klockit and find a wide array of movements for cheap. You can even get an atomic movement if you want.

Glue in Movement

Use some hot glue or other adhesive you prefer and glue the movement to the record. The hole in the middle is plenty big enough for the movement to poke through. For an extra detail, be sure to center it.

Modify Hands

Here are the hands from the Rusch clock attached to the record. Both hands stick out past the label which won't work out. The back on black is appealing, but useless, so the hands need to be cut short. You can see the results in the next step.

Attach Hands

Here are the hands now attached to the clock. Easy easy.

Drill Hole

A cool clock looks pretty good when it's falling, but the impact on the ground is a bummer. Drill a hole in the horizontal part of the clock to accommodate a nail.


Now you can hang the clock on a mantle or a bookshelf. The trick is to find a place that has enough room for the clock movement. and once you do, be sure to nail the clock down so that it doesn't fall off. Now make a few more for your friends who would enjoy it and ease on out of the ultra-consumer fest that we do to celebrate time passing.