How to Make a Mini House Out of Popsicle Sticks
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How to Make a Mini House Out of Popsicle Sticks

in this instuctables ill be showing you how to make a mini house out of popsicle sticks step by step


Sharpie, Scissors, wood glue, popsicle sticks, ruler

step one is to lay out 4 popsicle stick in to a square shape where to of them lay on top of the other two each end of a popsicle stick should be touching the other end of a popsicle stick and wait for it to dry

step two is to fill all four of the squares with more popsicle stick and wait for it to dry once done dried add support to the back of your walls and wait for it to dry

add an extra two popsicle stick to the ends of each of the walls and wait for them to dry

glue all four of the walls together and wait for it to fully dry

next get 6 popsicle and cut them in a diagonal way where the first popsicle stick is higher than than the last do this 2 times to make 2 separate walls

cut out the middle of ONE of the walls to make a door

grab 8 popsicle sticks and cut them down to the same size of the shortest diagonal cut popsicle stick you have add support to this wall too and glue it together

glue your popsicle sticks together to make three walls glue to the side of the other four walls of your house where each wall is 1 inch away from the end of your wall
cut out a door for your house

grab seven popsicle sticks and cut them to fit the top of the roof of your side house glue them together and add support wait for it to dry

glue the small roof to the top of your house
cut out 2 triangle shapes for the top of your house and add supports to the back and glue together
glue them together and wait to dry when they dry add the bottom end of your triangle to the top of the front and back of your house

to make the roof of your house follow the same steps as done with the walls connect for popsicle sticks glue them and add supports to the back and add 2 extra stick to the sides

glue the top of your house to the triangles you made

your end product should look similar to this