How to Make a Mini Crossbow
by Von Malegowski in Living > Office Supply Hacks
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How to Make a Mini Crossbow

I show how to make a mini crossbow out of wooden coffee stir sticks. The crossbow is pretty easy to make and uses basic materials and tools. It is a fun project and shoots projectiles surprisingly far. I used two different types of bolts for the projectiles, one was made from wood skewers a needle and tape. The other was made from a needle, q tips and tape. The needles were held in place with thread wrapping around them that was soaked in glue. Take all of the necessary safety precautions if making/using this as it can potentially be dangerous.
How to Make Mini Crossbow Bolts/Arrows:
A crossbow, also known as a horizontal bow is a type of weapon based on the bow and consisting of a horizontal bow-like assembly mounted on a stock. It shoots projectiles called bolts or quarrels. The medieval crossbow was called by many names, most of which were derived from the word ballista, a torsion siege engine resembling a crossbow.
- Wooden Coffee Stir Sticks
- Glue
- Piece of String
- Thread
- Wood skewer
- Tape
- Small Saw
- Scissors
- Utility Knife
- Wire Cutter Pliers
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