How to Make a Tesla Coil With Mosquito Electric Bat
by VCreations in Teachers > Science
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How to Make a Tesla Coil With Mosquito Electric Bat

Hey everyone, Today we will be making a Tesla coil with the help of a mosquito electric bat circuit so you need not to worry about making a circuit by yourself.
if you don't know about tesla coil let me give you a brief introduction about it, its was created by Nikola Tesla in 1891 Tesla was obsessed with providing wireless energy, which led to the invention of the Tesla coil.
How does it work ?
well if I go in the theory it will be too long so let me explain you in simple words basically The coil has two main parts – a primary coil and a secondary coil, with each coil having its own capacitor. A spark gap connects the coils and capacitors. The functionality of the spark gap is to generate the spark to excite the works on the principal to achieve a condition called resonance.
CAUTION ⚠ - please be a little careful while making it .
- Insulated copper wire ( 26 Gauge ).
- PVC pipe or any cardboard pipe will work.
- A thicker copper wire for primary coil.
- Nut bolts & a bottle cap for spark gap.
- Glue gun
- Aluminum foil for torus.
The Circuit

- Before starting off its very important to plan your design and by planning the design means here you need to know what type of circuit you will be using in your tesla coil but as I have said earlier you don't have to worry about the circuit because we will be making it from mosquito electrical bat we just have to connect the parts and we are done.
- You just need to make a spark gap from nut bolts and a bottle cap.
- Take a bottle cap make holes in it and place the nut bolts close to each other, now don't connect them just put them close to each other.
- For better understanding see the above images.
Gathering the Materials

- Gather all the materials and make a list of them so that you don't have to look for them every time.
- As mentioned earlier we will be using 26 gauge insulted copper wire for coiling the secondary coil and a little thicker copper wire for the primary coil.
- And you can make a box to hide the circuit.
Part 1 Coiling the Tube or Pipe

- This is the most important step and the most frustrating as well because you need a real patience for this step unfortunately their is no shortcut for winding the coil so it takes like 2-3 hours for perfect winding and if you want to make it fast you can stick the coil in between and can take some breaks.
- Left some coil in starting and in the end as well.
Part 2 Primary Coil

- Now if you have 250 turns for the secondary, make 3 turns for primary. I have taken 400 turns approximately So, the turns for the primary will be 5 or 6.
- The length of the tube is 20 cm.
Part 3 Torus

- Now take a plastic ball and cover it with aluminum foil for making the torus.
- If you don't have the ball just make a ball out of aluminum and place it on the top also the coil part which we have left attach it with the aluminum ball.
- Our main coil is ready.
Taking Out the Circuit From the Bat

- Now take out the circuit with the battery you will see that there is a battery connecter So don't take out that.
- Now for placing the circuit we have to make a box where we can hide our circuit also which serves as a base for our coil.
Connecting Everything

- The spark gap which we have made place it in the box now there will be one primary wire which will connect with spark gap and the other wire will connect with the circuit board after that we have to take an extra wire which will connect at the other end of the spark gap.
- Once done stick them with glue gun or solder them.
Checking Everything and Done

- We are done but there's a one thing which is left the copper wire which we have left at the end we have to attach that with a bulb and then the magic begins .
Ending Words
Believe me guys it is so easy to make and works same as a high voltage tesla coil the results turned pretty good you can watch in the videos which I have shared also if you want more power you can use a high volt battery or a high voltage step up transformer.