How to Make a Vase

I made this Vase from plastic bottle and used following material:-
Plastic Bottle, Glue Gun, PVA Glue, Water, Tissue Paper, Fomic Sheet, All purpose adhesive glue, Spray Paint (Black Matte), Acrylic Paint (Red, Gold and Silver) and Artificial Plastic Stones, Thank You.
Take a plastic bottle and cut the upper portion. Now paste this upper part of bottle in bottom side with hot glue gun.
Paste tissue paper on it by using PVA glue. Let it dry.
Draw the design on fomic sheet and cut it out. Now, paste this design on the bottle with all purpose adhesive glue.
Paint entire bottle in black color. And paint the sticker sheet in purple and red color. Now, apply golden and silver color for shading. Later, paste artificial plastic stones on it. If you want to know whole method of it go check out my video. Thank you.