How to Make a Set of Lockpicks!

by Batryn in Workshop > Tools

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How to Make a Set of Lockpicks!


These are extremely versatile lockpicks. These two nested lock picks each have a torque wrench in the end, and the tips have either a half diamond hook or the rake. I'm not going to go over how to pick with these too deeply, but with the half diamond, you just use it to lift each pin to the sheer line while using the pick's tension wrench. With the rake, you rake in and out fast, while jiggling up and down a little bit. Apply super light tension with the half diamond. I've heard the tension described as pressing down on a computer key. Extremely light. I like to think of it as pressing on a piece of jello.

Triangular File
Flat File
1/4" diameter round file
2 c-clamps (one cannot be fixed to a certain location.)

Street Sweeper Bristle. You know those big machines with the spinny things on your street? Those are street sweepers, and they clean your street. Google it if you need help. They drop bristles, usually in the bike lane by the road. I just go biking around and pick a few up.

Clean Up!

Get two pieces. You may need to cut them. At least 3.5" long. Longer is easier to handle, but shorter is easier to conceal. You decide- these picks are incredibly free-form. As long as your tip is accurate, you're good. Use pliers to cut the bristle in half if you have to.

Take your two pieces, and clean any rust and grime off of them. The body of the lockpick doesn't need to be mirror polished, but this would be the best time to do it. Take your file, and square one side- the side your tension wrench is on. Once it's squared, take your file and gently run it on the corners, just to remove any burrs and make sure it's not so sharp you'll cut yourself. Easy step, really.



Incredibly difficult to grip. I ended up using two c-clamps in order to do the bends. You need to bend it for a tension wrench- around 1/4" to 1/2" long, near 90 degrees bend. Then twist 90 degrees, so that the tension wrench is perpendicular to the tip. Makes it easier to hold. This step must be done with the two pieces fixed together. That way, you can store your picks nestled together. Makes it easy to hide.

First Filing


Keep the two pieces together. Now, file the pick end (you're done with the tension wrench side), at a 45 degree angle. Take the round file, and figure out where you need to file the bristle. It needs to be done so that once the round file has cut around halfway through the bristle, the edge of the semi-circle meets the top corner of the 45 degree angle cut. I did the steps backwards in the photos- it's easier to do the 45 degree cut first and then do the semi circle. Remember, your picks should still be nestled together at this point, and you should be filing both at the same time. File around halfway down the bristle. Too much and the pick might snap.

Finishing the Peaks/Valleys


Now, separate the picks. Take one to be your raking pick. It's two more round file cuts. Use the triangular file to start the cut, and then use the round file to file around halfway down the pick. When you're done, you should have 2 valleys and 3 peaks.



One of the unique parts about the rake is the undercuts. They provide uniform thickness so the picks are less likely to snap. Essentially, you're going to turn your rake and pick into a snake. Same width of material at the tips of the picks.

Underneath each pick, begin filing with a triangular file. This can be seen in the rightmost cut. Then, use the flat file, triangular file, and the round file in order to follow the peaks. The result should be the two left cuts. You need to do the same with the pick, but only need to file under that one peak.

Last Step! of Filing.


Now, take the flat file. You want to cut away the last "peak". It's really more of a half-peak, since the side closest to the body is just a straight line. Take the flat file, and file at a very slight angle. You want to remove the peak, and make it so that the body of the pick gently declines to transition to the base of the valley. A little confusing. Pictures should help.

Compare with the previous steps. The missing material should be clear.

Sanding. and Done!


You need to sand. A lot. The body and tension wrenches don't matter. But the teeth need to be mirror polished. It helps a lot. Once that's done, get picking! You keep the two picks together with a pen spring or another thin wire. If you want, you can run a safety pin through this, and then pin it to your shirt. For all that covert spy stuff you do. Because you're exciting.