How to Make an Origami Pawn

Hello everyone today I will teach you how to make an origami version of the pawn chess piece, this model is a bit tricky but not too hard. It is hard though to get it looking not sloppy.
square piece of paper
Make a Square Base

First we make the square base. Fold the paper in half on the diagonal twice to make an X in the paper. Then, fold it in half straight both ways, then turn the paper 45 degrees and collapse the model.
Bird Base

Then, on the square base, fold the corners on the sides to the middle crease, which should lead to a shape here. Then, unfold, open the paper and tuck the folds in. Do that on the back too, this is called a bird base.
Sink Fold

Open the bottom of the paper at the narrow ends, or the “open” side. Then where the wide point is should be a square, crease the ends of the square and push the diagonal and straight line creases on it into the model.
Making the Body

Then for the body of the pawn, we fold in the sides on one layer, then open up the flaps of the sides, and push down. Then, fold the side ends of the smooshed flaps into the model, behind you. Do this on the back too.
Making the Head

Then, fold along the bottom of the model, and again on that new crease, then using it as guide lines, pinch the sides together and then flatten. Then lift the bottom of the flat top, and crease, then fold the tip inside. Repeat all 4 sides