How to Melt Aluminum Cans

Hi today we will be melting aluminum cans lets get started

You will need a full propane tank, a blow torch, a tin can (like a can of le sueur peas), some aluminum cans, a used propane tank, a jigsaw, and a hose
Cutting the Used Propane Tank in Half

So I found a link on YouTube of how to cut them safely so if you want to watch it you can here's the link:
Copy the link and paste it into YouTube by dragging your mouse over the link to highlight it and either ctrl + c to copy and ctrl + v to paste or right click the highlighted link and right click and copy and then on the URL right click and press paste.
Making a Hole in the Cut Propane Tank to Put the Propane Hose in It and Connect the Propane Hose to the Full Propane Tank

Make a hole in the side of the bottom part of the propane tank and put the hose in it and connect that hose to the full propane tank.
Putting the Tin Can in the Bottom Part of the Propane Tank

This step is pretty easy just put the tin can into the MIDDLE PART of the propane tank and put crushed aluminum cans in it and that's it for this step!
Lighting It!

Get your blow torch and put it near the hose that's in the bottom part of the empty propane tank and light your propane tank, this should light the whole propane tank and start melting the aluminum cans now this is VERY DANGEROUS so DO NOT touch it.
Getting the Molten Aluminum

Get your grippers and grab the tin can with the molten aluminum in it and pour it into anything that wont melt when you put it on there now grab the pieces that didn't melt and take them out, now you should look up what will melt and what wont melt before you do this. So be careful and that's it!